"What did he want?" Niki scrunched up his nose in disgust as he sat down and dipped his hand into the popcorn, shoving a handful of it into his mouth, only making Miso chuckle and shake her head.

"It don't matter." She stated, and quickly, the movie began.

Later that night, after the movie ended and the couple visited Heeseung and their friends to drink alcohol and play games, Niki and Miso interlocked their fingers as they walked through their meadow.

It was nearing midnight and they could already hear people celebrating, which only made it more exciting.

"The display of fireworks is really boss from here." Niki told her as they approached the tree, and Miso glanced up at him, her brow raised ever so slightly.

"You've been here before bringing me here?" She wondered, genuinely curious as she looked up at him, admiring his features under the glowing moonlight.

"Yeah," He shrugged, his eyes remaining on the clear night sky. "But only a few times." The boy grinned, looking away from the sky and down at Miso.

A comfortable silence overtook them both as they shared deep eye contact. They could feel the love they felt for one another in the air and their hearts pounded against their chests — desperate to break free and become one. They loved each other so much that it ached their body.

Suddenly, disturbing the silence they were in, was the loud noise of the fireworks. The display was beautiful. The fireworks were so many different colours and had so many different sounds and shapes that it sent shivers down Miso's spine as she watched them with a massive grin on her lips.

It was the New Year, and she was overjoyed with the fact she'd be going into the new year with the boy she loved most in the world.

"Happy New Year, Doll." Niki spoke up, gently touching her chin and turning her head so that she could face him so he could connect their lips. They could feel the power of love through the kiss, that's how strong it was.

Once pulling away, Niki grinned a mischievous grin and he pulled out the switchblade the younger girl had gifted him, before kneeling down by the tree.

Miso watched him intently and curiously, as he took his time carving into the tree. To say she was confused would be an understatement...

However, the Choi girls questions were answered once he backed away from the piece of nature. He had a proud look on his face as he looked at his 'art' and Miso felt her heart skip a beat at what he wrote.

N + M

Around the writing was a heart and Miso's cheeks burned with happiness and fluster. She truly loved Nishimura Niki, and nothing was ever going to change that, and so without another word, she took his blade from his hand and mirrored the position he was once in.

Niki watched with a smile on his lips, excited to see what the girl was going to create, and finally, once she was finished and stepped back, his eyes immediately softened and he felt his whole body twist with electricity and love.


"I'm not a Choi..." Miso quietly announced, shaking her head slightly as a heavy feeling appeared in her chest. It was true. She wasn't a Choi and she doesn't think she ever was...

Niki licked his lips before he reached out and pulled the shorter girl into him, wrapping his arms around her waist after gently pushing her head against his chest and then he decorated the top of her head with his delicate kisses.

"That's okay," He whispered out, his voice weak. "You can have my name."


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