i've remained by your side, in chains, entombed

Start from the beginning

The previous King looks towards me and immediately I force my gaze downwards.

"Ah, you have already taught her the ways of Royal households. Good man." The previous King pats his nephew's shoulder. King Akraton's face contorts in puzzlement, looking back at me curiously.

The years of forcing my head to the floor whenever my Grandmother came to visit wiggled its way into my brain. Making eye contact with a former King is frowned upon unless you are of family or close relation. My Grandmother never appreciated anyone's gaze, not even her own family, unless they showed her they were respectable or powerful enough.

Akraton's King steps forward and introduces me. "This is my Uncle, the former respected King of Akraton. You may refer to him as Your Grace alongside his husband."

The second tallest man has a strained expression, one I definitely expected. The King continues, "These are my cousins, Silas, Kasper and Willow. You'll refer to them as My Lord or Lady, respectively."

These rules force me back into my Mother's throne room, how she conjured the entire Board of Klawe Kingdom in five minutes to teach me each of their titles and responsibilities. My siblings looked onward, a placid look masking their true feelings. Boredom.

I'm not addressing any of them, period, especially to the likes of their title. That whisper of disobedience sends Asmodeus smiling. I bow slightly in acquaintance, eyes downwards still.

"There are rules that visitors of the like have to follow, granted of our statuses." As he spoke of the rules I learned back to front and recited in my sleep, my eyes wondered over to the family again.

They are a menacing bunch. Even the daughter holds a dangerous silence that threatens my safety. She is small, donning a navy mini suit. The older cousins are complete opposites in appearance. Silas has shoulder-length, midnight-blue hair whilst Kasper has a buzzcut dyed the colour of snow, both donning a matching suit to Willow's.

The husband is a different story. He is on par with both appearance and power, despite not inheriting the Royal genetics. The power simmers beneath his skin - a warning. The former King is all smiles whilst his counterpart is his loyal lap dog, ready to pounce.

It makes me smile. I replace each member with one of my own, Euphemia, Eugene and Emrys standing in all navy attire, straight faces plastered on their features.

"Do you understand your position here as a prisoner awaiting execution?" I nod absentmindedly. "Good. If you have any further questions, there will be guards and maids around twenty-four/seven."

The Royals allow me to depart first into the estate, a crowd of guards encircling me as we walk up to the entrance.

They don't bother in hiding the multitude of questions regarding my capture and vice versa. The King laughs but it is strained. He answers their questions nonetheless. Three full-bred baby dragons fly out from the opened doors of the manor and beeline for King Akraton. They swirl around his body maniacally, nipping at his body in various places.

He smiles, genuinely. A sight I feel undeserving of. The whole family laughs at his demise, even the maids and guards. I do not allow myself to join in despite the comings of laughter bubbling in my chest. Since the day I was born, I was stripped of my family. I was born to lead my Mother's Kingdom, fated by destiny as my ultimate role in life, my Mother treating it as if nothing else could replace this inevitable goal of hers, not even divine intervention could stop her. No one could therefore I was neglected of seeing my family and their achievements, their flaws, their happiness. I'm glad to see people haven't gone through the same torture.

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