"How's it goin'?"

"Good," Emilia draws out the word, as if she is asking a question.

"Saw you talking to Javier earlier," she eyes Emilia.

"Yeah, just the same old stuff. Wants me to work more."

"Uh-huh.." Esther isn't buying it. 

"Es todo!" 

"Okay, okay, cálmate. Just wanted to check in." Esther grabs the dirty plates off of the table and puts them in the tub. Emilia pauses, biting her lip in thought.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you really think I should-- date him?" Emilia says the last part quietly. 

Esther sighs. "I've only said it a million times."

"I know, I know, but seriously."

"Yes! Seriously."

Emilia takes a deep breath. "Okay. But he has to make the first move."

Esther puts her hands up. "Okay, he makes the first you. And you have to say yes."

"Alright, okay. I'll say yes. Don't you dare say a word to him." She points her finger at her friend. Esther mimics zipping her lips and throwing the key away.  

"Not a word," Esther agrees. 

The two finish cleaning the dining room and get ready to close for the night. As they finish up putting clean dishes away,  the other line cooks begin clocking out and leaving. Finally, it was just Emilia, Esther, and Javier doing the last few tasks. Esther puts the drawers away and locks the office. 

"See you Saturday," Esther hugs Emilia before leaving. 

The door shuts behind her as she exits, leaving Emilia to close with Javier. He is finishing up bricking the grill. Emilia throws all the dirty towels and aprons in the laundry bin and grabs her keys to leave. As she clocks out, Javier grabs his jacket and keys, then clocks out as well. She turns the lights off and they both exit, locking the door behind them. 

"How's Moy doing?" Javier asks as they walk to their cars.

"Good. He's on a camping trip right now."

"Camping? Wow, I bet he's having fun."

"Yeah," she walks toward her car, grabbing her key fob.

"So, uh," he stops just before reaching his car, his hand in his hair. "You got any plans tomorrow?"

Emilia is stunned. "I, uh, work tomorrow. During the day."

"Oh," he responds almost inaudibly. 

"But I don't have anything going on in the evening," she adds shyly.

"Oh," his tone is a little more upbeat. "You wanna hang out? I have the day off so we can do whatever."

"Sure," she gives a smile. 

"Let me give you my number," he walks over to her and Emilia is still frozen. When he reaches her, she takes out her phone and opens a new contact screen and hands him her phone. He enters his number and gives it back. "Just text me and we'll come up with a plan." He gives her a smile and her heart skips a moment. He has a really nice smile. 

"Okay, sounds good. Hasta mañana, buenas noches," she bids him goodnight and he does the same. 

They both get into their car and Emilia drives home, in a daze. She couldn't believe she said yes to going on a date with Javier! Esther was going to flip. 

After she settles in for the night, Emilia texts her best friend.

Guess who has Javier's #👀

❗️❗️Finally!! Have you texted him??

No not yet. Idk what to say

Just be yourself

Yeah no I'm boring

No you're not

He wants to meet up tmr


Not like that

No judgement. What are you gonna do?

Not sure. He said we'd figure it out

Well ask him what he wants to do

Emilia gets butterflies in her stomach. How can she possibly start a conversation with him? She ruminates over what to text, typing and retyping a draft text. 

Just send it! 

Esther knew Emilia all too well. Mustering up courage, Emilia sends the message to Javier. 

Hey it's Emilia. Do you like mini golf?

Mini golf?? Really, Emilia?? She thinks to herself. 

Her phone buzzes almost immediately. 

Not really good at it but it's fun

She smiles at the message. 

You wanna do that tmr?

Would love to. Just tell me when and where

Her heart leaps and she charges her phone, going to bed for the night. She hasn't been this excited in years. 

yay! she finally got his #. super excited for the rest of this story. i have a lot planned! 

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