iv. herbology homework

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, you've done so much," he apologised again sheepishly.

"It's okay," she repeated, but looked up to see Harry still looking guilt-stricken at the immense workload around them, "Honestly, it's fine Harry, I enjoy Herbology and the work took my mind off the fact everyone's having fun at Hogsmeade. You can start working on the growth stages drawings while I finish this last page of notes."

And so they did. It was a peaceful silence and Harry had never felt more comfortable doing work, with the warm ambience of the candlelight and the sounds of their quills scratching the paper.

The two classmates were now both working on the drawings, and it appeared that Harry was struggling with his third drawing, Juliet hearing the sound of the quill puncturing the paper and Harry crumbling his paper up and chucking it aside every few minutes.

The fifth time it happened, Harry let out a groan of frustration.

"I can't draw the stupid stem bit of this stupid plant for this stupid project!"

Juliet giggled at his face, all scrunched up in an irritated expression.

"Would you like me to help you?" she offered with a grin.

"Yes, please." Harry sighed in defeat.

Juliet stood up and walked around the table and leaned over from behind him and Harry showed her the part that he had had difficulty drawing. He thought that she was just going to draw it for him, so Harry was surprised when Juliet placed her hand gently over his and began guiding his hand and his quill smoothly over the paper, perfectly drawing the stem that he had spent the last ten minutes trying to do half-decently.

"There you go," Juliet said happily once she had done, pulling her hand back. Harry's hand almost felt cold when the contact had stopped, and had to repress a shiver going down his spine.

"Thanks," Harry told her gratefully, still looking at the place Juliet's hand had been moments before. Juliet just nodded with a smile.

The two eventually decided that they had done enough work and packed all their things up and began making their way to the Great Hall: the rest of the school must have been back from Hogsmeade by now.

It was a long way from the library to the Great Hall, leaving Harry and Juliet lots of time to talk and joke and laugh. Harry didn't think he could feel so friendly and at ease this fast with someone who wasn't Ron or Hermione, but Juliet's outgoing manner made it so easy for him. Juliet was laughing about a comical joke Harry had made about Snape and it made him feel as though he could say anything to her.

And so he did.

"I think Snape's trying to mess with Lupin," he told her.

Juliet's smile faltered. "What?"

"You know, earlier, when I told you I was caught up with Lupin?" – Juliet nodded – "Half-way through Snape came in and gave him a goblet of some sort of potion. Lupin said it was for some sort of sickness – but you know the rumour about Snape wanting the DADA job so bad he'll do anything... what if he's trying to poison him or something?"

Juliet didn't say anything for a moment, and Harry thought he had freaked her out. In reality, Juliet's mind was going a thousand miles a minute to try and think of an explanation that could squash any suspicions about her uncle's werewolf identity.

"I don't think Snape would try to poison Lupin..." she said slowly, choosing her words carefully, "As much as I despise Snape, it's highly unlikely he'd try to do that, especially under Dumbledore's nose. Besides, Lupin's a family friend. I've known him forever and he's ill quite often."

Harry nodded, slightly crestfallen at the fact Juliet didn't seem to suspect Snape as much as he did, but he brushed it off. He also brushed off the fact the way Juliet's words came out so articulated, like something was holding her back, but he didn't make too much out of it though.

The two had now reached the Great Hall for the Halloween feast, the usual decorations scattered around, making Hogwarts seem a lot more eerie than it usually was.

"Oh, I see Kate, Will, and Callum... so I'll see you later?" Juliet said, stopping to turn to Harry.

"Oh... yeah," Harry nodded, taken aback by the fact that their conversation had ended so suddenly, and he found himself wanting to talk to her more.

And as Juliet waved goodbye with a smile and began making her way toward her friends, she found herself thinking the same thing.


After lots of jokes, laughter, and a glorious feast, which involved Juliet tasting every single one of the sweets that her friends had brought back for her to try, Juliet and Callum made their way back to the Hufflepuff dorms, their stomachs bursting and hearts full.

Neither of them, along with numerous other Hufflepuffs, did not want to go to sleep after all the celebrations, and instead the two decided to create a game of muggle cards with Susan Bones, Michael Corner, and Hannah Abbott – Hannah blushing profusely when Callum asked her if they could join them.

But before the five of them could even begin the game, the portrait door to the common room almost burst open, and Athena Tarvis, a fifth-year who had recently been appointed prefect, scrambled inside, followed by a black-haired fourth year called Blake Morley. Blake Morley was olive-skinned and was a fellow chaser on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, alongside Juliet. Athena was tall and had deep cherry red hair and green eyes that were now frantically darting around the room frantically.

"Listen up everybody!" she cried, but her voice didn't seem to catch many people's attention.

"Quiet!" Blake bellowed, but his voice also had a trace of panic in it – the whole room fell silent.

"When I say this, I want you all to stay calm, and do as Morley and I say," Athena began, looking far from calm, Juliet and Callum exchanged confused looks, "The Gryffindor portrait, the Fat Lady, was slashed just now."

A few people gasped and mutters began to travel through the room.


"Is she alright?"

"Who would do that?"

"It isn't safe right now," Blake said loudly, and everyone else fell silent again, "Professor Dumbledore has asked us to escort you all down to the Great Hall and he'll tell us more."

"Grab everyone from their dorms and follow Weasley and Peters," – the head boy and girl – "down to the Great Hall, go!" Athena told everyone, and they all began to scatter, going up and down the stairs to let their friends know to come. Many first years were looking terrified.

Callum went up to Blake, who seemed to be trembling ever so slightly, and asked him.

"Did you meet any Gryffindors on your way here?"

"Yeah," Blake replied, letting out a breath.

"Who are they saying did it?"

"They're saying..." Blake began, but he couldn't bring himself to say anymore, so Athena finished for him.

"They're saying it was Sirius Black."


author's note!
dun dun dun!!!!!!!!
I'm quite proud that this update isn't tooooo irregular
hope your enjoying it and don't hold back from commenting and voting, it really makes my day!

published: 14th february 2024

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