ii. tea leaves and hippogriffs

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tea leaves and hippogriffs


IT WAS THE NEXT MORNING and Juliet and Callum were sat at the Hufflepuff table eating breakfast and examining their new timetables for the year.

"Excited for our first Divination lesson today, Julie?" Kate asked with a grin, her and Will taking a seat across from Juliet. The other Hufflepuffs were used to them coming over to their table, as sitting with other houses was normalised. However, being a Slytherin, every now and again Kate got the odd wary look.

"I still can not believe you two took Divination, it's a useless subject," Callum said, shaking his head.

"What do we have to lose?" Juliet said.

"Your will to live."

"Your sanity." Will added, waving his fork.

"Come on, it surely won't be that bad," Kate scoffed, getting up to leave, "But we'll let you know if it is,"

"See you guys later," Juliet said, hoisting her bag on her back, grabbing a slice of toast to take with her.


"Merlin, where is this bloody Divination classroom?!" Kate groaned, after their third lap of the same five classrooms.

"Thinking of dropping it just to not have to navigate throughout the entire castle every time we want to get there." Juliet muttered, knowing the bell rang fifteen minutes ago.

The two stopped and looked around, begging for a sign they were close. Kate saw it, a small spiral staircase tucked away in the corner, and nudged Juliet silently and pointed to it. She nodded and they both set off toward it and climbed. They were met with a small landing where in the middle was a silver ladder leading toward a trapdoor into the ceiling.

"This isn't ominous at all," Juliet heard Kate utter from under her and giggled. Juliet could hear the sound of who she assumed to be Professor Trelawney, speaking to the rest of the class.

Finally reaching the top, Juliet emerged to what seemed to be the most ominous classroom she had ever seen. It was dimly lit and shaped like an attic; the blinds were all pulled down and there were mismatched armchairs scattered everywhere around little round tables. There was also a fire crackling in the corner.

However, Juliet could barely take in the strange classroom while twenty-odd people from various houses were staring at her and Kate, who had clambered up quickly after her.

"Who may you two lost souls be?"

Lost souls?

Kate's mouth parted slightly in surprise, but Juliet decided to look past it.

"Um, Juliet Blanchard and Kate Troy, sorry we're late, we got... lost,"

A few people chuckled.

"Of course! I had sensed that two of my inquisitive students would be led astray by the wonders of this school." Professor Trelawney said to them, but sounding like she had had no idea they were even in her class.

"Now, I want you all to divide into pairs..." Trelawney continued, acting as if nothing had happened.

Juliet and Kate exchanged confused glances toward one another and moved to one of the few vacant tables. They dropped their bags on the floor and followed the rest of the class, grabbing a teacup each. Still looking very confused, they sat back down and just stared at the tea.

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