CHAPTER 18: Never Forgotten

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4 months after the escape.

The memories of that night have been completely erased from the minds of the SB19 members. Their lives continued as they had been. New admirers were attracted as more brand-new songs were released. They completed their second global tour this year, and they are currently taking a break to write new music.

Josh was looking for his necklace in his jewelry box when he touched something unique inside it. He pulled its chain out and found a necklace attached to it with a vial pendant. It has a small drop of water inside. He observed the necklace; it has a name engraved on it: Jax.

Stell had just finished his shower when he noticed a seashell that was a striking shade of pink and gold. He watched it carefully. He doesn't know where this came from because he can't recall the last time he and his friends visited the beach. He turned it over and discovered an engraved picture of a mermaid inside its shiny surface.

Justin is looking for his pants. He’s only wearing his boxers brief inside his room when suddenly his light scar on his right thigh started glowing. Even though he constantly rummages through his memory for knowledge, he honestly can't recall where he obtained this. His focus instantly turned to his window, where he could see his plants rustling in the breeze outside in their Pokémon pots.

Pablo was shocked by how quickly his wounds healed after his motorcycle accident yesterday. He underwent all the examinations, including a chest X-ray, just in case he had any underlying health issues. When the doctor handed him a copy of his x-ray, he was shocked to see that his ribcage was covered in symbols that had been engraved there. What caused this? He wondered.

Ken has recently started experiencing nightmares. He has been having dreams about following a female around a mansion while brandishing weapons. Regardless of how it starts, this dream inevitably comes to an end. They always share a kiss before she leaves the portal and he yells for her to come back. And then he jerks awake, sweating profusely.

The men are at the studio after Pablo texted them to meet there and are each clearly considering something that is bothering them.

"Guys, look at my chest X-ray.” Pablo said as he showed them the image. They’re shocked to see the symbols engraved on his ribcage.

"How even is that possible?" Asked Josh.

"I don’t know, but I’m going to be honest with you guys. I started to feel weird four months ago, like something happened, but I don’t remember what." Pablo replied.

Ken chimed in, "Me too. I've been dreaming about a girl in a mansion. And we always end up kissing before she leaves for a portal." Ken braced himself for the laughter, but they didn't come. The other guys, for some reason, are recalling the same thing.

The remaining guys displayed the peculiar item they had recently discovered. Josh's pendant, Justin's suspicious leg scar, and Stell's seashell.
Pablo suddenly looked up into the sky, his eyes turning white. All the boys paid attention to this. Although they are anxious, they remain patient for him to finish. After a little while, he regained his normal state.

Pablo responded, "We need a knife." right away. When Pablo told them to draw a symbol on their wooden floor, they all immediately began seeking for blades. In a brief period of time, it was completed. Pablo gave the order and everyone walked inside the circle and unintentionally stood on each of their guardian's symbols. He said a prayer as they were holding hands.

“nostram memoriam reversus noctis omnes incepit et finivit”

The more times Pablo says these words, the more they all become clear. Four individuals are standing outside the circle as their memories of that evening return. Rain, Franz, Jax, and Mary.

Except for Ken, they all went to their individual companions from that night and gave them bear hugs. He was watching them and noticed their joy at having been reunited with their guardians. Even though as a ghost, he hopes he could still see Demi again.

“Pablo, I'm really proud of you. You know how to use the limited angelic abilities I given you.” Rain stated as she gave him a gentle slap on the back.

"I'm grateful. But why are you here in this place?" inquired Pablo.

“We've been watching over you guys ever since you first arrived here in the real world to make sure nobody gets hurt. We're protecting you in the shadows.” Mary said.

“Really?" enquired Josh.

Jax added, "We just waited for you guys to realize it, but we left trinkets within your personal belongings to help you remember us or what took place that night."

“We can't force the information on you people because you'll panic out if we approach you at random and start saying the silliest things. Right?” Franz continued.

“Right.” Justin simply answered.
Ken can no longer hold back his curiosity as he grows envious when he sees the guardians' embracing the SB19 members while he is left alone.

“Where’s Demi?” He blurted out.
The rest straightened up upon realizing the gang was missing one member.

Rain continued, "I had angels and devils on my side watching over her as they wait for us. Demi is alive, but she's imprisoned in Hell.”

When they learned that Demi had been alive all this time, they were shocked.
“She’s alive. I remember she said she can survive anything. I should have trusted her when she said that. She’s a fighter.” Ken said. His hopes are high now that he knows that she’s alive and he can see her again.

They all nodded in agreement.
"So fellas, what do you say? Will you lend a hand saving Demi?” Jax asked suddenly.

The SB19 gave each other a quick glance before nodding.

Ken said, "Count us in." right away.
They all moved to the circle's middle and clasped hands. A prayer was prompted by Rain:

“portam ingrediamur et nos incolumes servemus”

The studio floor is covered with papers and other belongings. The symbol inscribed on the flooring was the sole thing that was still present. Everyone who is in it has vanished.

The End? 😏

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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