001. rebellion meetings

Start from the beginning

Followed by her guards, Camila begins to make her way towards the door. She's interrupted, however, when a gentle hand is placed on her arm, causing her steps to halt.

Camila turns to see Senator Organa smiling down at her. She gently smiles back at him. She'd always held respect for the older senator, the two had always gotten along and in her first few months as a senator, he'd been somewhat of a mentor to her.

"Mila, it's good to see you." He greets.

"Bail. It's been a while. I apologise for my absence in the Senate. I'm sure you understand." Camila replies, keeping contact with the older Senator's brown eyes.

"It's perfectly fine, Mila. With a daughter of my own, I completely understand your priorities. Remaining on Naravi IV is what is best for the pair of you." He replies with a slight nod of his head.

Camila smiles warmly back at him. Alba was several years older than Bail's newborn daughter, Leia, but the two Senator's wished to raise them closer together when Leia was older. They hoped to raise them against the Empire and what better than for them to have support in each other during potential conflict.

"As for other matters, how have you been? And what of your.. erm.. friends?" He asks, raising an eyebrow with slight amusement. Camila smiles slightly at what he was hinting at.

"I remain in contact with a few. But some I am unable to talk to or are unable to get in contact with. I also haven't seen him in over a year." She replies. Yes, she'd remained in contact with a couple of her friends. The usual batch, especially her sister, Hazel. But some like Jayana who wasn't executed by the clones but instead assisted in her brother's fall from the light. She also had only seen a couple of clones she was all too familiar with, only she had not seen the one she truly desired to see after all this time. The one "friend" she truly valued the most.

"I am sure there are reasons for his lack of communication, Camila. Alas, only time will tell." Bail replies, bringing Camila out of her thoughts. She nods at him, clasping her hands behind her back.

"I believe you are right, Bail. Now, forgive me, but I must depart home. Alba is waiting and I have several things to do. But I'm sure I will appear in the senate soon. Riyo and I have a hint of something." Camila says, leaving many things unsaid, causing Bail to frown slightly at her words. The small wrinkle in his brow disappeared quickly though as his warm smile ignited the fatherly spark in his brown eyes, as he looked down at her.

"Very well, Mila. I shall see you soon. Perhaps a visit to you, with Leia, is due."

"You would be most welcome, Bail." She replies, bowing her head. He copies her movements and with a shared smile the two part ways. Camila leaves the large meeting room and Bail turns back to Senator Mothma.

The journey back to Camila's home planet, Naravi IV, was a short but quiet one. Camila remained in conversation with her handmaiden, Inej, throughout the journey. Her flight crew consisted of people she'd handpicked and trusted with her life and utmost discretion. But Inej was like Camila's best friend. It was with her that the young senator told her private thoughts to, despite Inej's role to only serve and assist.

Soon enough, the senatorial ship was landing on Naravi IV and Camila and her small team exited the ship. They were greeted by a small group of workers and guards, who immediately went about sorting the ship, while the guards changed with the ones that accompanied Camila to Chandrilla. The group then boarded the speeder that awaited at the edge of the island-like landing platform, at speed towards the glass dome capital.

Inej helped her Senator off the speeder and they all then made their way through the doors.

"Mama!" A childish giggle drew Camila's attention. Her four year old daughter ran towards the Senator with her small arms open wide and a bright smile on her face.

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