Chapter 7

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Engfa's POV

After the meeting on Friday, we spent the weekend with our mom and it was amazing because all of us were relaxed and we were present in every single moment. I was happy that everything was official and that everything came out the way that it should be. Although something was bothering me both my sisters and my mom noticed it although I didn't them what, more like who it was. 

Charlotte has been on my mind all weekend long. It's weird because on Friday we had some little moments of us talking about stuff that didn't include work and she was amazing. She is a quiet and shy person but she can also be very funny. At some point, I don't know what happened but she just stopped talking to me, and if she did it would be very direct and she wouldn't look at me the same way. All weekend I've been replaying our conversations over and over to see what I did or said wrong but I haven't come up with anything. Even Aoom couldn't seem to help me out on Friday because everything that she discreetly suggested didn't work.

Today would be the first day we see each other and I hope that today I can talk to Engfa but also see if Aoom found out what I did so that I can apologize to her. 

Nudee, Plaifa, and I were on our way to the hospital to start everything. Tina and Chompu had to go to the office because they were getting the papers that we had selected that had to be at the office that we would be having at the hospital. Plus we needed them to oversee the documents that we were going to use in terms of their legitimacy. Most likely what will end up happening is that for the first months, I will work from here with either Tina, Chompu, or Nudee by my side until we finish sorting out all the paperwork necessary. Once everything is done the four of us will come here and work and every now and then one of us would go to the company to check on things.

Plaifa parked her car and we came out of it, as we were entering the hospital we saw Nawat, Teresa May, and Pang at the door waiting for us. 

Nawat walked forward "Hi girls, nice to see you, hope you are having a wonderful morning." he said with enthusiasm as he greeted the three of us

Teresa and Pang followed him in the greeting soon after.

"Thank you for the warm welcome and yes we are doing just fine," I replied

"Good we are going to be showing you around the hospital and later we have a meeting with the board to present you guys to them. We are just waiting for Charlotte and her team to arrive so that we can all do the tour together," said Teresa

After Teresa finished saying that, Charlotte came in accompanied by Meena, Aoom, and another girl that I hadn't seen before, but I knew her name was Ice. The four of them greeted us politely, Charlotte had some sense of cold demeanor which I didn't know why. While we started walking I quickly looked at Aoom for answers but she didn't have anything. The tour had started and Charlotte and I needed to be side by side up front since we were the CEO's. 

We got to see all the installations and the locations of each medical department. We finished the tour at the office area, where the board meetings take place and the offices of the doctors who are board members. We had the board meeting before we got to see our offices, Plaifa, Charlotte, and I were given seats and we briefly presented ourselves. It was a fast meeting, however I am sure that as time goes on we will have more time to get to know the rest of the board members.

The placement of our offices was very interesting. Charlotte and I each had an office that had a lot of space, they were side by side and we could see each other if we wanted to because the glass that divided them was electric so if we pressed a bottom it darkened. Outside of each office, there was a common space that had three desks, some whiteboards, and two couches, that office part was also divided by a glass that could be darkened with a bottom. Outside of that office area was a common area with a big table that had room for twelve to fourteen people and a big whiteboard at the front for a meeting. 

We were very much stunned by the amount of space each of us had to work with, we were expecting something more modest.

"Are you sure this is for us?" asked Nudee

"Yes, this is all for you. I guess this is how you guys can understand that both your foundations are crucial for the survival of the hospital. It's what is going to stand us out from the rest." said Pang with a smile

"So as you can see each of you has your private spaces to work at but there is a space you share because we foresaw that sometimes both foundations might have to work together in multiple cases at once. You guys will have to rely on each other so we wanted to make things as easy as possible," said Nawat

"Well, we leave you guys to get installed and explore your new offices. Plaifa you can head to see the facilities of the Pediatric and Endocrinology departments and meet with the staff. See you guys later, if there is anything you need just come look for us at our offices," said Nawat before the three of them walked out of our office common area.

Plaifa left to go see the rest of the hospital and talk with the new staff and we were left alone.

"Clearly we are going to be spending a lot of time working together so why don't we go get some lunch at the restaurant in the corner," said Aoom enthusiastically

"As much as I would love to go with you guys I have to go as I have prior commitments. Call me if you need anything," said Ice looking at us, although the last part she said looking at Charlotte and with a protective tone

Charlotte just nodded and hugged her goodbye. 

We all went to the restaurant to eat while there Nudee and Meena seemed to connect as they talked a lot. Aoom was surprised at that and I got to see her give Meena the same look that Meena gave her on Friday. It was funny so I started to laugh at her reaction, she noticed and brushed it off as she tried to enter into the conversation. Charlotte was seated next to me so by instinct I looked to my right and saw that she was curiously staring at me.

"What is it?" I asked

"Why are you laughing?" she asked

"At Aoom, she seems to be a little jealous that Meena and my sister have a lot in common. It reminded me of how you were laughing at Meena when she was jealous of Aoom." I said with a smile

"Yeah, both of them can be a little possessive and jealous," Charlotte said

"I mean I get it. If I were in a similar situation then I would be like that too. Although I think that I should probably tell Aoom that there is nothing to worry about when it comes to my sister as her heart is taken by someone else," I said casually

"You do not have a special someone?" she asked

"No, I do not, I don't always have time for it. But now that the foundation is more stable maybe I can find time for it." I said seriously as I looked at her

"That is not a bad idea, as long as it isn't somebody who is in a relationship," she said

"Why would I go after somebody who is in a relationship?" I asked all confused

"Well if I am being honest I thought that you were going after Aoom on Friday because you guys were talking a lot in private," she said with a guilty and embarrassed tone

"And what changed your mind?" I asked all curious

"Aoom did because I asked her and she just told me that you guys just talked about random stuff," she said

I nodded my head in understanding and said "Is that why you were acting cold towards the end of the night?" I asked

"Yeah, I am sorry I know that I shouldn't have judged you and I get it if you don't want to talk to me anymore or even work with me," she said with a sad tone

"Hey, it's okay, I am a little mad but I could never not talk to you again. Just promise me that anytime you have any doubts about me, or something I did or said ask me about it. I am a very honest person and I will always try to tell you the truth. From now on we should build this friendship based on trust and honesty. What do you think?" I said looking into her eyes and taking my hand out toward her

"Deal, but you also do the same with me and I also want to build this partnership with you," she said in an honest and warming tone as she took out her hand to meet mine.

I was so happy that we cleared things up between the two of us and I was happy that Aoom didn't tell Charlotte what we talked about. I didn't lie to her, now that the company is more stable I will have more time for my personal and hopefully I can put myself out there with Charlotte and hopefully she accepts it. 

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