Volume1 Episode 3

35 3 2

As then neville walked towards Kyle and then Kyle then somehow felt some pride and some chaotic and Neville somehow somehow is pissed and then....

Neville: Oy Kyle.. Tch Did you fucking pull the 69 prank on me..?

Kyle: Ehe~



Kyle: GAH!

As Kyle now has a bump on his forehead and Neville is currently holding a stone tablet he uses for the Spells and then he is now saying that..

Neville: I got in...

Kyle: Eh? Even the Results re not-

Neville: I talked with the Great sage.... Well He kinda knew my "Status"

Kyle:  . . . . I see How could I forget that... There are somehow no secrets when in terms of magic when it comes to the great Sage.. Well He asked for anything..?

Neville: Nothing in particular only requests before I enter the Academy..

Kyle: So... what was it..?

Neville: To go low key I requested the Support class..

Kyle is super deadpanned and then he face palmed and then Kyle said something about the Support and asked why..

Kyle; But... Why..?

Neville: I think Supports are the lowest according to the Society of Knights or Mages..

Kyle: I know that but why would you take the Support Role...?

Neville: Only because it is the Secret weapon of everything...

Kyle is somehow confused and is also curious and then he left it on his own imagination but then...

Kyle(Mind): Sometimes I cant get this kid at all..



As Shows Neville and he is now standing up and summoned his Stone tablet and his Battle ax and then he raised his hand and a Golden light engulfs the area

(Black and white: Arcane Librarian's Retired days)

罠だらけの理想 慰めの口実
Gonna say I told you so
Short cut to be a star

Shows The kingdom and then pans through the skies as some bird fly around and around as the camera pans to the Village and Shows Neville now in his house with his lazy ass on the bed again reading a book and he uses magic as if he is trying something and bursts comically

Wasn't born to raise the bar
誤魔化しの正義は 誰も起こせないアラームのようだ

Shows the Academia and then Everyone in the Class and panning the the classroom only to see Kyle with a smirk and he is now raising his hand with his magic and some Geo energy came to life and then he crushes the rock and transitions

Failing, feeling
声を free に

Shows Neville now receiving the tablets and axe he has now and he is now placing it on the cabinet near him in his house and he is staring at it and he is now closing his eyes and then.......

Let's get 'emSo givin' yourself
Ya givin' yourself the best shot

Neville then grabbed his tablets and then begin to run outside and transits to a beast infested area and he is now dashing around with magic circles around to fire some spells and then dashes around and jumps around and he then summoned a Mysterious Gun and pulled the trigger and a Magic bullet comes out

Be givin' yourself
Ya givin' yourself the best shot

BANG! As the bullet drops and also it shot the beast down and he slides back and then he saw Kyle on his side and high fives each other and then

Don't you gotta get solo?
What you gonna get? Swear it!
Don't you dare forget solo

Black and white: Arcane Librarian's Retired daysWhere stories live. Discover now