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Maxine was a strong woman. A strong woman with morals no other woman could obtain, or as people assumed. Growing up, she wasn't the most popular or attractive girl out there, but as she got older and wiser, she began to change.

It was the Fall of 2004, and before her own eyes, the lives of many and her own, was come to change.

In the heat of the day, Max had been promoted to executive officer of the mission she was on. Before the time had been, Max had lived a perfect life as every person imagines it to be. She had a loving family and many friends to be with.

However, when tragedy struck in a nearby village, Max felt the urge to help. She had left her own city, to try and protect the other cities in need.

Once done with her military training, she was sent to Spain, to help control the plague of destruction to help prevent it from a world-wide spread.

In Spain, Max felt alone, but calm. She was fine being alone, but missed her family and friends back home, and wondered if they were affected of any of the diseases that spread.

"Fuck this is so boring. I wonder how the other parts of the world are.."

Required of her job, she was told to wear a mask at all times, and to never show her identity, as this work needed to be kept a secret from other regions.

Upon her work, she had met this guy. A strange guy. A scientist? Max had no clue, but without her knowledge, he was one of the most important men on the premises to cure the plague that rummaged in Spain.

"Ay, Señorita, what is a beautiful woman like you doing here in Spain?", said the mystery man in a clear Spanish accent

Max scoffed. "You don't even know how I look and you're calling me 'beautiful'? What if i'm a hideous woman underneath this mask?"

The man chuckled and gave a dork-ish smile. "Ah, but you are not? Right? How could someone with such high position and all this gear be an ugly lady?"

Max had a slight smile plastered on her face, even if he couldn't see. She didn't even know the man after all, and wanted to get his name before he tried to flirt with her more.

"I don't believe I got your name, mystery man."

" 'Mystery Man' ? Is this what I get called by now?" He let out a loud laugh

"Yes, actually. I hardly know you, and you are to what seems to be, flirting with me, am I right?"

The guy looked at her sincerely. He couldn't lay his eyes off of her, even if he had no clue how she looked like. In his world, he knew she'd be perfect for him, barbie type or not.

"The name's Luis. Luis Serra. I'm a scientist here at the lab trying to find a cure for las plagas, if you haven't heard."

Max looked confused, but unseen. "Las Plagas? What is that?"

"..and what exactly is 'Las Plagas' as you say, Luis?"

"It sounds exactly on what it is. It's a plague that originated from Spain, which has gotten out of control. Scientists like me and guards like you were sent here to this specific area to make sure the virus has a cure and has no escape to the outside world"

Max looked ahead not with fear, but with worry. She had the constant thought of this plague spreading towards her family and her country, but she for now, could not do much but hope.

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