So, I carefully thought out 4 more wishes, and typed them all out:

“I wish that no matter what I weigh, my health will never suffer and I will always be a perfectly healthy person.”
“I wish that I will always have clothing and furniture to fit me”
“I wish that there will be no limit to my growth”
“I wish that everyone would treat my weight gain and size as a normal thing for me”

Wishes granted (0 remaining). Thank you for using our app.

I’m not totally sure what happened next because that’s all a blur… I just remember pigging out in front of my new fridge in my room, then falling asleep.
And, well, you can guess what happened after that – I pigged out every day.
Every single time I opened up that fridge, it was filled to the brim again with food. I would just sit at the edge of my bed all day eating whatever I wanted until the end of the day.
Needless to say, I gained a lot of weight in that one month. And I mean a lot.
I mentioned that I was a mere 220 pounds before I made these wishes… After one month of pigging out, I pretty much doubled that all the way to 400 pounds. 400 pounds! Now THAT I was surprised by. I didn’t do anything else that month except park my rear at the edge of my bed in front of that fridge and ate whatever I got my hands on. With my family members occasionally stopping by my room for a quick chat, no one really bothered me.

As my weight went up, my eating capacity went up. So my weight went up even faster. However, since I figured I could gain weight relatively easily and quickly, I decided to take things a little slower for the rest of the next month and try to experience what it’s like to be large. Going to the bathroom was luckily never a hassle due to one of my wishes. I never seemed to notice it happening, but the doorway to the bathroom was getting ever so slightly wider as I gained weight, the shower stall had expanded, and the toilet also became much wider and sturdier. I would either be playing online games at my computer in a widened chair, or joining my brothers in the living room playing some multiplayer console games. With the added poundage, I was taking up a considerable amount of space on the couch and I realized that my button mashing wasn’t quite as accurate as it used to be with my new fat fingers.

Continuing my journey of weight gain, I had reached 700 pounds by the end of the summer (703 to be exact!). But it wasn’t until my dad’s birthday when I left the house for the first time since making those wishes. He wanted to go out for dinner, and because of my state, all-you-can-eat restaurants were really the only option.

My older brother drove home for the weekend to celebrate my dad’s birthday with us. And thankfully he came because there would be no way that I would fit in the little family car.

As my family was getting ready to leave, I was in my room getting dressed to finally head out. I picked out a nice 8XL golf shirt and some extra stretchy sweat pants to wear for my dad’s birthday dinner. The shirt barely fit and covered my stomach, but I figured that would change by the end of this dinner. My two younger brothers got into my parents’ car, and I managed to squeeze into the back seats of my brother’s car. The seatbelts in his car didn’t fit all the way around my gut, but with my belly pressing against the back of the driver and passenger seats, I felt pretty safe.

When we got to the all-you-can-eat restaurant, I found that our table was nicely prepared for us… we were a family of 6, but they had 7 chairs setup. My parents must have called in advance to let them know that I would need something sturdier than regular chairs, so their simplest solution was to just provide me with two. My mom insisted that I sat down and that my family would bring me food, because there was no need to get up constantly and go back and forth for food, knowing that I would eat a lot. So I sat in my seat(s) patiently and when my family returned, they were all holding two plates – one with regular portions of food, and the other that was piled high with what seemed to be whatever was left in the buffet.

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