Re(neé)conciliation (Part Four)

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The Present Day (March, 2023)

Throw Up

Your POV

Something I forgot to mention is why I had slept in tonight. Jenna had invited me to Halle Berry's birthday party, which made me want to puke as I remembered how much more famous Jenna was than me. Not that I was jealous or anything but what the fuck do I gift the little fucking mermaid? Anyways, I went as her plus one and for some reason, thought that even though I had work the next day, it would be great to just drink and eat and smoke as much as possible at that club to the point that my beautiful roommate had to pull me out and apologize to Halle Bailey for asking if she did all her mermaid stunts. I mean, I think she was amused. Still want to kill myself but well, you win some, you lose some.

Anyways, I am criminally hungover and I had been barfing the whole night after eating way too many shrimps and caviar –what? You would do the same if you got invited to a rich person party– so I was pretty sure that those delicious sea creatures had given me food poisoning.

Back to the task at hand, as Alissa kisses Reneé, I want to melt into the pavement below. Genuinely, I want to be an orange creamsicle in the hot country sun so that I can just evaporate my way out of this situation. I don't know why I didn't see this coming. Reneé Rapp is like the hottest woman on planet earth. Of course she's dating someone. Of course she hasn't spent three fucking years waiting for a chance with me. Of course she's over me.

I don't know why for a second, even just for a second, I could have believed I had a chance with her. I am just a ghost in her path. We weren't flirting, god we were hardly even friends. Reneé had probably realized my feelings for her and her way of interacting with me was just out of polite pity.

"Y/N are you okay?" Reneé asks, concerned as I suddenly, I feel dizzy and stumble back. Oh no. Oh fucking god now. I stabilize myself using Alissa's thigh and before I can even register what's about to happen, I throw up all over their shoes.


The Present Day (March, 2023)

Hot Girls Vomit

Reneé's POV

At first I couldn't even process what just happened. It's not so often you see your ex girlfriend spew vomit all over your current partner like the fucking exorcist.


"I am so sorry about your shoes, holy shit!" Y/N apologizes to Alissa, cupping her mouth and gagging, she runs off, probably trying to find a bathroom. Her face is completely pale and I worry that she will fucking pass out and I won't know where she is. I start to run after her until Alissa screams at me.

"Reneé, I just got thrown up on and you're going to not fucking help?"

"Uhm Alissa I kind of don't want Y/N to die..."

They yell in frustration and shake the pooling puke on their shoes, gagging at the sight of puke.

"Sorry Alissa, I'm so sorry! There are tissues in the car and I swear to god I will get back to you and we can go like shopping for new shoes!" I say frantically as I watch Y/N slowly get out of sight.

"Just go!" They groan as they walk towards my car.

I chase after Y/N and eventually find her in the public bathroom with the baby changer that is usually used for families. I guess her throw up is a relative.

I knock on the door and a muffled sniffling voice answers; "Who is it?"

"Hey Clyde, it's me." I hear the lock click and I walk in, slowly bending down to take her hair out of her face. "Great first impression on my partner." I joke nervously as she throws up again. I didn't want her to find out about me and Alissa. It's not like I ever planned to cheat on Alissa or anything I just...I guess I wanted to still be able to imagine a fantasy between us. Even if she doesn't even like me.

God, why am I acting like a high school schoolgirl? I have a partner.

And I am happy with them.


"Well I didn't know you had a partner to make a good first impression on." She snarls as she wipes her mouth with toilet paper.

"Are you not okay with that?" I whisper and brush strands of hair behind her ear. "With me being taken?"

There's a moment of silence between us and even though she's pale and malnourished right now with sunken eyes and messy hair she is still so beautiful. Fuck. Everytime I stop seeing her I forget just how much she makes me feel.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be? We're just friends." She says, smiling a little forcefully.

If I'm happy then why does that sting?

"Now you have to get to your lover who has my dinner on their feet and I have to go meet my friend so I can go tell the producer I'm sick."

"Do you want me to walk y-"

She stands up quickly and almost wobbles back down, stabilizing herself with the sink. "No need!" She interrupts.

"You sure...?"

"Certain!" She says as she gives me a fake grin and closes the door behind her.

Well I guess I should probably go clean Alissa up.


A/N: Little shorter but I'm tired! Also I love keeping you guys on your toes.

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