Re(neé)conciliation (Part Three)

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The Present Day (March, 2023)

Feelings Suck

Your POV

I'm sitting on my couch lazily listening to my vinyl player, watching the record twist and twist, warping out of this world, when I hear a knock at the door. I reluctantly get up and open it, to my surprise, it's a certain blonde who's leaning against my door frame.

"Hey Reneé." I say skeptically, letting her into my apartment.

"Hey Clyde." She teases and puts her hand right next to my head against the wall.

"What are you doing?" I breathe as I look up at her, into her beautiful blue eyes.

"What I've wanted to do for a long time." She whispers and leans in, kissing me. She pulls me by my waist and I wrap my arms around her neck, fully enveloping myself into the touch, taste and smell that is the woman in front of me.

That is until I hear someone muttering the words 'wake up Y/N' echo throughout my apartment.

I wake up to find myself not in the arms of Reneé Rapp but instead in my bed, with another woman looking over me. Fuck.

Ever since Reneé apologized to me a week ago I'd been having these dreams about her. Kissing, sex, confessions, all of it. I know we had agreed to just being friends but there is something about her that just prevents me from doing that. I don't know how I did it before.

Maybe it would have been easier if we didn't talk and joke around all the time on set. If it had just been passing smiles and waves then maybe I wouldn't be so smitten. Again.

Maybe I should tell her.

"Y/N wake up!" The black haired girl giggles and when her demand is met with me pulling the covers over my head, she crawls onto my bed and sits on my lap.

"You are going to be late to set! And you're like my ride there so I'll be late to set too!" She protests as I try to get her off of me.

"Oh so you only want me to get up because it's convenient to you?" I question, sitting up and raising my eyebrow. "Wow, Miss Ortega." I tease with mock betrayal, putting a hand to my forehead. "And I thought we were friends."

"Friends?" Jenna says with a mock snobbish tone, imitating me. "Oh no Miss L/N you are just my chauffeur!" We both laugh and she gets off of me, extending her hand to lift me up from the bed.

We both brush our teeth in the mirror and between a mouthful of toothpaste, she asks; "So how's Reneé?"

"She's fine."

She spits out the toothpaste and shoves my shoulder playfully. "Just fine?!? Have you like made a move on her yet?"

"No. Besides, we're just friends!" I protest as I gargle water and spit it out in the sink.

"Ah yes, because just friends text all night and giggle like idiots at their phones."

"Oh shut up!" I say, returning that playful shove.

She giggles and then grabs my shoulders, looking up at me.

"Seriously, you should ask her out. She's the love of your life and you finally have a chance to make things right! It's shit right out of a rom-com!"

I shake my head and smile sheepishly. "I don't want to ruin shit between us. Having her back as a friend is already good enough for me."

"Been there." She mutters under her breath, probably not realizing I heard.

"She probably doesn't even like me anyways!"

The shorter girl shakes my shoulders.

"Are you serious? When I went to visit you at your set after my scenes were done in Miller's Girl, she was so eye-fucking you right before she left to go back on set! Plus, pretty sure people don't text other people that much at night if they don't like like them."

"What is this middle school?" I tease and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm serious!" She pouts. And maybe she's right. It can't be that I'm the only one feeling this electrifying tingling sensation whenever we touch. I can't be the only one who blushes whenever we touch. Plus she's kind of been flirty! Even if she is flirty with everyone.

But most of all, I think, is that I believe our love back then is strong enough to at least manifest as a crush now.

Maybe she isn't completely over me.

Just like I'm not completely over her.

Eventually, after Jenna's relentless badgering me to get ready, I do. I don't bother putting on any makeup, considering that's literally why we have makeup artists and I instead just get dressed. I know that on set they'll change my outfit to actually, you know, look good, so also don't bother with the outfit. Instead I just wear some Calvin Klein sweatpants that I bought at Marshalls for like seven dollars and a hoodie that was given to me at a bachelorette party that reads 'I heart MILFS".

"Very cute." Jenna notes as we start walking out of the apartment.

"Yeah I know right?" I say sarcastically, opening the car in front of us with the press of a button on the car key. "I'm sponsored by Gucci so you know, just wearing their pieces." I continue as I get into the driver's seat. Jenna laughs and I drive her to her set which happens to be near mine.

Fuck. That girl tricked me. I think as I check the time after dropping her off. I'm arriving early. So I could have slept in! That bitch. I laugh to myself as I get out of the car and see Reneé talking to someone.

Fuck, I look so bad right now. But maybe that's good. So if I like ask her out or something it'll be more casual and it'll be less awkward. Right? Right. Sure.

"Hey Regina!" I greet teasingly as I approach the two. "There's something I wanted to ask you but first; Hi I'm Y/N L/N," I say introducing myself to the person in front of me.

"Y/N!" They say with feign excitement and shoot daggers at Reneé which confuses me. "I've heard lots, believe me lots about you." They say through gritted teeth and it causes both me and the blonde to blush.

"Haha thank you." I awkwardly and I extend my hand for them to shake. "So what's your name? Whatcha doing here?"

"Oh I'm Alissa Carrington." They smile and shake my hand. "I'm just visiting my girlfriend."

"Oh?" I giggle at her sudden friendliness. "Which one of these lucky ladies is your girlfriend?"

She laughs and kisses Reneé lightly on the lips. "This one."


A/N: oops, tricked you.

'Get In Loser' part one out now!

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