Chapter four

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Warnings: Hate(?) oral, praise, (Very) light degrading, blood play, biting, monster fucking (Rhys activates part of his dragon form, longer tongue;} )

Moon struck - unable to think or act normally, especially with being in love.

Ragazza carina - "Pretty girl" in Italian.

Finirò quella che ho iniziato, ti farò uscire dal mio sistema - "I'll finish what I started, get you out of my system." Italian

Bitte.. Hör auf, mich zu ärgern und tu es einfach! - "Please, Stop teasing and just do it!" German

Bambina - "Baby girl" Italian

Rhys Drach - "Fire dragon"

1st person POV

She's so close... I can feel her breath hit my palm slightly as she gingerly wipes at the blood, her eyes trained intently on it as I bite my tongue. My thoughts right now are anything but holy. I just barley et this girl properly and I'm already wondering what she'd sound like with my hand around- STOP. Jesus.

I can't help the way my fangs dig into my bottom lip so hard I can taste copper- its either I draw blood from my lip, or I press them to hers and neither is a good option, but I'll take one over the other. She was so... unaware... of how I itched to bury my fingers in her hair, cover her mouth with mine and blanket her body against the wall while taking every last ounce of her desire and satisfying all of it.

It's almost scary, how much my self control just up and vanishes around her and I barley know her. The way she's so small compared to my 6'4" height- she had to be in the low 5' or something since she barley reached my shoulder. "Prince...? Are you okay, your uh- practically panting." She says softly, looking up at me with the intentions to speak more.

My eyes portray how I feel, the biggest window into a person's soul was their eyes and, in this case, mine were a damn doorway. I saw how her pupils dilated, hear how her breath hitched and how a rosy color settled on her cheeks- when she exhaled it was then I noticed how close we had gotten. Practically face to face. "Prince..."

Her voice was breathless and soft, her hands still as they held onto my wrist and fingers- some of the blood on my hand getting on her fingers and leaking down to her wrist. The things the sight of my blood on her ivory-brown skin made me shiver in both shock and an even heavier set of arousal. Apparently, I like blood now.

"Eris." I breathe, her name coming from my lips sounded like a prayer- we're inches away now.. just one more move and there's no telling what I'll do. If she tastes just as smooth and velvety as she looks then I'll probably lose it.

I can feel the way her breath hits my lips, my hand that wasn't bloody skimmed down her side, my fingertips brushing across her skin, it takes every ounce of will power in me not to gather some drops of blood and smear it down her collarbone- but I won't do that, I don't even know if she's as affected as me. "Tell me not to. Tell me I should back up." I can't even recognize my own voice; it's not normally sounding so raspy and deep...

She gives no response other than stepping closer, her hands grabbing onto my shoulders as I push her to sit on the edge of the table. She wasn't saying no but she wasn't saying yes- did she want this to continue you or am I overwhelming her...? "Eris-" I go to speak but get cut off by a sudden warmth on my lips- it quickly registering that she had been the one to initiate it.

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