Chapter two

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Ribbon dancing - the act to preform or re-enact the past or present through the form of dancing with long silk strips.

Elis Kenna - "Gods promise, born from fire."

She could feel his eyes on her, ever since she had run into him a few hours ago the buzzing in her head had gotten worse then just died down completely and now he was sitting just a few rows behind her? His gaze made her feel as if she were already on stage- the way her body seemed to just know whenever his eyes would stray to her.

'I need a breather- now.' She thought, standing up and making her way to the sidelines where she could take a breather from the electrified air between her and a literal stranger who also happened to be the prince. Not only that but she'd be re-telling the tale of how his very ancestors came to be, albeit nobody believed the old tales it was still a classic among children. 

The wind blew her hair around a little bit, the ocean was unusually wild these days and it concerned her- not that she'd admit that she was monitoring the water levels in her free time. She shivered as that feeling washed up her nerves- he was looking at her. Again. She didn't know why he had such an obsession with her- they had never spoken before she collided with him a few hours prior! 

His gaze, she didn't know why it warmed the blood in her veins, but it just did. Anytime he looked at her, breathed her direction or even the thought of him crossed her mind she got all flustered and squirmy it was unreal. He had such a big effect on her, and she didn't even know the guy's full name! She takes a breath before walking backstage- she had a few minutes until she had to be on stage. 


{First person POV switch - Elis Kenna}

As I step onto the stage, dressed in a pair of black shorts and a sports bra, the skin able to be seen decorated in the royal family's sacred runes and swirls of their official colors. My tattoo of a dragon along my back was of the color scheme so I didn't have to use almost forty-five dollars' worth of foundation to cover it- I can already feel the way his eyes are on me. He's shameless with it, the way he lets his eyes skate up and down my body, over the curve of hips, the way the reds, oranges, and yellow paint wraps up my arms like ribbons to interconnect into a sun on my chest. 

The music starts and I let the soft tempo of the beat sooth my nerves, the story reciting itself in my mind as my voices comes over the loudspeakers- my microphone on my ears catching my voice as I told the story. 

Swaying my hips I slowly lower myself onto my knees- the dance is meant to be sensual yet depict the tragic tales of two lovers that are forced to be apart. The way the red silks gather along the floor as I slowly raise my arms- my fingertips painted orange to seem as if they were sun-kissed. 

"Eons ago, on this very ground, two lovers met their loves fate."

Breathless, my voice is breathless- not because of the anxiety of everyone watching me, but because of him watching me. So casual with the way his eyes drink me in, as if he were Eve and I were the apple. 

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