Chapter 23: Blood Sucker

Start from the beginning

I simply told them that I just used fire to make it into clay and I made it because I was bored. The newsachor also asked me what inspired me to make it and I smiled.

"I made it for Jake. My boyfriend and mate." I smiled.

I bet Jake would be happy to see me on tv. More news teams arrived and we decided to leave. But not before we took pictures of the sand castle. I didn't want to talk to anyone else. I just wanted to see if Jake was alright. Alexandria and Alexandra were spending the day with their mates so I guess I would be going to see Jake alone.

"Hey Justin? Can you take me to Jake's house?" I asked. He looked at me.

"Sure. We're already here." I looked out the window to see that he was right.

"Thanks Justin." I said as I got out of his car.

"No problem." He drove away and waved along with Danny.

I smiled as I walked up his door. I knocked and waited for someone to answer. I couldn't wait to see him. Did he see me on the news? Was he okay? I bit my lip. The door opened and who I assume is Jake's mother stood in the doorway. I kept my eyes off of her pregnat stomach even though it was kind of hard. She had the same black hair as Jake but her eyes were a dark brown, almost black.

"Oh. You must be Vinnie. It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard good things and I have to say that I'm glad Jake picked you. That must be why you're here. You can't see Jake right now. He's... sick." So he was sick.

"Oh. I didn't know."

"Yeah. He has bite marks all over his back from Snake and-" She gasped and covered her mouth. I frowned.

Snake? Who's Snake? Was she talking about an actual snake?

"Snake? Who's Snake Mrs. Rein?" I was suspicious.

"Oops. Well... I... oh just come in." She opened the door wide. I tried not to hit her belly as I came inside. I waited until she closed the door.

"Jake's on the couch in the living room. Try not to wake him. I'll go get some tea." She smiled and headed to the kitchen.

I walked into the living room and smiled. Jake was on the couch resting peacefully. He looked so cute while he was sleeping. I went over to the couch and sat down beside him. I moved his bangs from his eyes and kissed his cheek. Jake smiled and layed his head on my lap.

"Vinnie." He mumbled. I blinked in surprise.

How'd he know it was me? Probably the tingles. Jake's mother came in with the tea. I removed Jake's head from my lap despite his small protest and stood up. I helped her with the tray she was carrying and set it on the table.

"Thank you Vinnie. No wonder Jake loves you." I looked at Jake. He was still sleeping soundly. Did he actually love me?

Mrs. Rein sat down on the other couch across from me and poured two cups of tea. She put a little sugar in both before stirring. She handed me one cup and I took it. I knew it was green tea. Mom had once given me some but I hated it. Maybe it was because it didn't have any sugar in it. I never saw her put the rough white powder in the cup like Mrs. Rein had.

"Thank you." I smiled and she smiled back. I took a sip of the tea and swallowed it. It was sweet but not too sweet. I took another sip. It was really good.

"So, I bet you're wondering who this Snake girl is." I put my cup down on the table as I felt jealousy rise in me.

So Snake's a girl?

"Snake is Jake's ex-girlfriend. She liked sucking his blood but it was draining the life out of him. he almost died. So he broke up with her and Snake didn't take it that well." She took a sip of her tea.

"Why did she like his blood?" I glanced at Jake.

"His blood is sweeter than any blood in the world. It comes from me." I thought about what she just said.

So if this girl loved his blood so much, it must be very good. I bit my lip. Was that why he wasn't feeling good? Why he passed out? It wasn't because of my bikini. It was because of the bite marks he has on his back. I stared at Jake's neck where there was a bite mark and growled lowly.

"Can I drink a little bit of his blood?" I was a little embarrassed about asking but I needed to see if it was as sweet as she said.

"Go ahead. Just don't suck the life out of him." Mrs. Rein smirked.

I chuckled as I leaned down to Jake's neck. I nuzzled his neck before I bit it softly. Jake moaned. His mother was right. It was sweet. It was the most sweetest blood I've ever tasted in my weeks of being a vampire. Jake woke up instantly and gasped. He pulled me away from his neck and I licked the blood that was dripping down the side of my mouth.

"Mom! Why would you let her drink my blood!?" He stood up and backed away from me.

I didn't know what he was talking about but I felt a little dizzy. I rubbed my head as my body buzzed with ecstasy.

"What's the problem?" His mother looked confused.

"Why do you think Snake kept coming back to me? My blood is sweet yes but it has something in it. It makes her very... horny. I'm lucky she didn't try to rape me!" I widened my eyes. What!?

His mother looked down in guilt and shrugged. I stood up only to fall back onto the couch. I shouldn't have drank his blood without asking him. I groaned. I shivered and felt a strong lust for Jake. I closed my eyes and shook my head. This wasn't me. It was his blood. Not me. I needed to get control of myself but the desire was too much to bear.

"Vinnie, just stay away." Jake sighed.

"Jake... I need you." I whimpered and opened my eyes.

I flipped my hair to the side and stared at him. Jake stood there frozen to the spot. It made me smile. It worked. I stood up and made my way over to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled it. He gasped and shook his head. Jake was out of my arms in an instant and I frowned. He was leaning against a wall. He had nowhere to run now. I walked over to him and started nibbling on his ear before trailing kisses to his neck along with my tongue.

I wanted to stop but I couldn't. I don't know what was happening to me! I should've waited until he was awake. I began sucking on his neck and I knew there was going to be a mark tomorrow but that only seemed to excite me. Why did he have to have sweet blood!? Right now, Jake was so irresistible and I needed him in a way that was so intimate that it would have made my mother frown.

Jake moaned and bit his lip.

"Vinnie... T-That's my sweet spot." He said it in a calm voice and closed his eyes.

Jake put his hands on my hips and gently bumped our hips together. I moaned out and began to rub myself against him. Jake flipped us over so that I was on the wall instead. His eyes were still closed as I lightly sucked on his neck. He pressed up against me and moaned out again. I could feel his arousal poking me which actually made heat climb into my cheeks. There were series of throats clearing. I didn't care though. I only cared about Jake.

"Jake! Not here!" His father yelled.

His eyes snapped open and next thing I know, we were in his bedroom. Jake pulled off his shirt as I took off mine. He took my hands and softly slapped me. I blinked. The desire was gone.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jake stared into my eyes. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you Jake and I know I'm ready." I rubbed my nose against his. My lust slowly began coming back and I put kisses along his neck. Jake chuckled.

"I love you too." He said before capturing my lips with his own.
Trying to finish other chapters so you guys can read on so be patient. Anyway, I'll edit more of the chapters. :P

My Vampire Mate: A Wild LoveOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara