Tricentennial part 2

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Dani and Kevin look around as people wondered around "we don't leave each other's side we look for Julie together"toni says as Kevin nods his head as some people were setting up the fire works on the trailer.

Wendy's car was shown driving down a road as it was soon become night as she drives to the tricentennial when her radio comes on as he glitched through stations as a familiar song plays making chill's go down her spine as she looks up in her rearview mirror seeing Ian's van following her as she pressed on the gasp speeding up before swerving as a wolf walks across the road as it growls running off as she continues to drive forward.

A man dressed as Paul Revere wearing old clothes as he rides on a white horse waving around a Bell "the British are coming! The British are coming!"he says as many clap and cheer for him as he ride along with his horse.

"Get them while there hot"a man says shown by a girl as fire roars as he was cooking all kinds of food like shish kabobs, corn, hamburgers and etc as the siblings look all around the many things that can cause there deaths.

"Column advanced"a man in old clothes says as drums were heard as many march forward holding guns as he takes out his sword pointing forward before music plays as Paul Revere gets off his horse as he walks to a short wooden poset as he ties the rope to it keeping the horse there.

A kite was shown in the sky by the cherry picker that held a large banner that said 'McKinley celebrates 300 years of freedom ' as a man dressed like Benjamin Franklin was shown holding the kite"the kite is aloft. Now let us hope for some lighting"the man says.

"Fuck you Ben Franklin"Kevin says as he and dani walked away as they look for Julie as it soon becomes night. Wendy's car was shown parking in a parking lot as she gets out of her car as she heads forward.

A firework was shown in a kids hands "this is awesome dude"as they fight with spark sticks as Kevin and dani walk over 

"Hey what what your doing with those!"she says as they run off."hey get out of here with those man your gonna set these off!"kevin says as they make them run off as kevin steps on the stick putting it out.

"Stupid reckless kids"dani huffs.

"Ladies and gentlemen to celebrate McKinley's tricentennial the fireworks extravaganza will begin shortly"was said over speakers as Wendy was shown walking towards the area where the event was being held before trumpets fanfare begins as it was night now.

Many wore shown in chairs, sitting on the ground and standing up as they get ready to watch the fireworks.

"Oh my God Julie"dani heard as she and Kevin turn to see Julie with Amber and Perry but one of the stands as Julie picked her side ponytails . Amber were her light tan jacket with a blue shirt and jeans with tennis shoes as her hair was pulled back in a ponytail while perry wore a pink hoodie with sweat pants and tennis shoes with her hood up.

"There's Julie and her friends"dani says as the siblings walk over as the cops from earlier were shown before a cannon was shown by a stack of canon balls as two men dressed an Old colonial clothes were shown as the one holding the burning spole that will light the cannon sits it loosely in front of it as it slowly moves.

Wendy was shown running in through two stands as people were chatting around as she looks around as she walks around looking for Julie as the siblings push people gently out there way as they make there way over to Julie as she starts walking away with her friends as they quickly followed after as the two police man slowly followed after too.

The fire pole was shown slowly moving as Wendy continues to look around for Julie and the others. As Julie was shown walking with her friends as the stick falls to the ground hitting the stack of canon balls as one pops off as it rolls against the grass through a American flag skirting to the wooden pole as it knocks it out showing it to be under the trailer of the fire works display as it rocks up and down slowly.

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