Ren Jinguji

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You tapped your foot impatiently waiting for a certain strawberry blonde who was late. You had plans to go with him to see a movie the two of you had been waiting for, but he was probably out flirting with some girls.

You sigh and the feel a tap on your shoulder. "I am sorry to keep you waiting, my lady." He said.

"So, what were you doing that took you so long?" You ask, arms crossed.

He smiles guiltily, "I was held back a little bit longer at work, so I wasn't able to get here as quickly as I wanted."

You sigh, "Fine, let's just get in there, it should be starting soon and I already got the tickets." You say, holding one out to him.

He accepts it and then grabs your wrist, pulling you towards him. "I am trying to gain your trust but you are fighting me, why?"

You blush, looking at him in surprise before feeling irritated. "It is because you are so flirtatious! It's irritating." You state, pushing him off of you.

You suddenly hear a bunch of fangirls screaming in the distance, "It's Jinguji!"

You sigh and look at him, "You fans await." Turning on your heel, you move towards the door before noticing Ren beside you. "Aren't you going to go flirt with them?"

He shakes his head, "To be honest, I don't really like girls that hang on people." He says as the two of you take your seats.


The movie ended and the two of you were walking back to the Master Course dorms, "You know, I still wonder how such a hot-head could be interested in fluffy movies like that." You hear Ren mutter to himself.

"I heard that." You say in return.

He shrugs, "I think you should take that as a compliment. You were able to surprise me." He says, hands in his pockets.

You cursed yourself as you remembered some of the scenes in the movie. It was worse because you saw yourself and Ren in those positions, damn imagination.

You got to the dorms and went straight to your room. Haruka was there and she looked up from her desk, staring at you as you plopped on your bed. "Is something wrong, (Y/N)?" She asks.

You roll over onto your back, "It's just... I have mixed feelings when it comes to Jinguji." You say softly.

She thinks for a moment, "I think I heard this term from Kurosaki..." She muttered, "Some sort of frustration, but I guess I am so dense I can't think of what he meant." She says apologetically.

You blush, knowing what she was talking about. "Sexual frustration." You mutter, rolling onto your side. "What's worse, is I think he may be right." You say with a sigh.

~With Ren~

"You seem upset." Masato says to Ren as he throws a dart and misses.

"Tch, it seems I am thinking on something just a bit too much." He says, giving up on his activity.

Masato looks up from his book, "You should go to her." He says bluntly.

Ren looks at him surprised. "I don't know what you're talking about." He says, getting on his laptop to play his game(He does play online games, look at Ai's trivia on the wikia and don't ask me why it's on Ai's).

Ranmaru comes into the room, "Jinguji, Nanami wants to see you." He says before laying on his bed.

"The Little Lamb?" He says, stopping his game. He got up and left to see his group's composer.

~Back to You~

You fell asleep at some point and woke up to voices. "I think it would be for the best." You hear Haruka say.

"I honestly don't think it would, she's sensitive and angry at me." You hear a male voice. You don't know who it is and you just shrug it off and pretend to sleep again.

"(Y/N) is just confused, continue to gain her trust and then tell her." Haruka says in a scolding tone, which is strange for her.

At the sound of your name you decide to stir. "What were you saying about me?" You ask, rubbing your eyes.

You couldn't see the man standing in front of you very well, since your eyes were blurry, so you just sort of shrugged it off, "It's nothing (Y/N)." Haruka says hurriedly.

Your eyes suddenly come into focus and you realize the one in front of you was none other than Jinguji Ren. "Ren...?" You say sleepily, not really caring. "What brings you here?"

He blushes slightly and looks away, "I... the Little Lamb wanted to speak with me." He says, glancing at her. You notice her motion towards you, which confused you. "I also wanted to ask if you wanted to go out with me for a little while, not far, really."

You nod your head, "Sure, just let me wake up a little bit." You say, getting out of bed but having your legs give out, making you fall into Ren.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" He asks, holding you tightly. You start to come back to yourself and you blush, nodding your head.

"Let's go."


Not five minutes later the two of you are at a gazebo next to a lake. Suddenly, Ren is embracing you, making you feel warm. "Wh-what are you doing!" You ask, flustered.

"I..." He stutters. You find it odd, because he usually always know what to say. "I just... find it hard to be away from you, (Y/N). I am sure that you won't return what I feel, but I just want you to know. I never thought someone could break me like you have."

You tilt your head, pushing him back a little so you could see his face, which is pleading. "What do you mean?"

He looks away, laughing a bit. "You would think that something like this came easy to me..." He mutters. "Truth is... I have always been mesmerized by you, (Y/N), and it's been difficult for me to deal with my fans with these feelings." He explains.

You smile at him, realizing yourself why you've hated him. It was because you were jealous of the girls he was always around. "I love you too, Ren." You lean into him and kiss him, taking him by surprise.

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