Masato Hijirikawa

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"Oof!" You make a sound as you fall back onto the floor from running into someone. You look up to apologize but just stare when you see who it is. "H-Hijirikawa!"

Masato held out his hand to you, "Are you alright? You should be more careful." He says politely.

You blush, you had met him under strange circumstances, similar to the one you were in now, and have been friends with him for a while. You take his hand, letting his surprisingly strong arms lift you to your feet. "Th-thank you, Hijirikawa."

He gives you a faint smile, "You never change." He says. He had treated you a little differently than the others ever since you met. You found that his smile seemed to brighten even more after STARISH won the Uta Pri Award, making him even more beautiful than he was.

You blush deeper at hearing his words, "I am sorry." You bow again.

You feel a hand on your head, "You don't need to be so formal around your friends you know. I understand how everyone feels from me now because of you, (F/N)." He says, making your eyes go wide.

He never referred to anyone by their first name. That was how he was raised. "Wait a second~!" Something occurs to you, "Aren't I supposed to be the older one in this situation?"

He chuckles, which was out of character. "True, though only by two years. You are an amazing singer regardless."

"Masa! We have to go!" Someone shouts.

You look past Masato to see Ren coming towards the two of you. "Jinguji! Are the two of you going to a job?" You ask, slightly disappointed.

Masato, who had also turned to see who shouted, turned back to you, "Yes, it's actually the only job I have today." He says, looking down with his thumb to his chin in thought.

Your mood brightens a little, "Okay then, have a good show!" You call out as they walk away.

They both wave to you. "This shouldn't take long." Ren says, "and then the two of you can have your little date." He winks, making the both of you blush.

You suddenly remember that you had a song to write with Haruka and ran off down the hall. You get to the room that you shared with the short girl and found her working on something on her laptop. "I am sorry, Haruka."

She looked up at you, "It's no problem. Shall we get to work then?" She asked with a smile.

You nod and sit down, realizing what you want to sing.


When you two started, it was about two in the afternoon, now it was about seven. "I suppose when you're having fun time goes by very fast." You say.

"Yeah." She replies. The two of you had been struggling to get something solid down for a while.

You were leaning your back on the piano when she started to play. Looking at her, you could tell something came to her and you felt compelled to sing.

As your voice resonated through the room you hadn't realized you gained an audience. Looking over at the door from where the clapping came from you saw STARISH standing there and you noticed Masato getting nudged.

You saw Ren whisper something to Masato that made him blush and he shook his head, then he got pushed forward and almost tripped revealing it to be Syo who pushed him. You giggled at the small quarrel the sprouted and noticed them all walk away with Haruka.

When he finally came forward, he was blushing. "(F/N)..." It seemed like he couldn't find the right words "This is usually something Jinguji does, what am I doing." You heard him mutter as he looked away.

You tilted your head with an encouraging smile. "Is there something you want to tell me?" You ask.

He pales slightly, "Y-yeah, but... I just can't word it..." He was really struggling.


"So, when are you going to tell her?" Ren asked Masato.

"Excuse me?" Masato responded.

Ren smiled smugly, "When are you going to confess to (F/N)?" He clarified.

Masato blushed and looked away. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Stop denying things."

"I am not denying anything." Masato looks away defiantly. They then heard a familiar voice singing sweetly from the piano room.

Masato followed the voice, making Ren almost facepalm but sigh instead, and found the rest of STARISH huddled around the doorway. "Well, this should be good." Ren says, sighing again.

Masato saw (F/N) singing while Haruka played on the piano and he could tell that it was a song about her inner feelings.*No Lyrics, sorry not sorry, too much work.*

The rest of the group noticed Masato and began to snicker. When she finished, she turned toward them when they clapped. He felt a somewhat painful nudge in his side and turned to see who did that.

"Kurusu, what was that for?" Masato asked.

Syo grinned, "You should go to her, the both of you are aggravating." He says bluntly.

Masato's face flushed and Syo then pushed him forward. He turned around as he caught himself, "Would you kindly stop trying to force something like this on me?" He complained.

"Then don't make me have to!" Syo shot back. Masato went into thought for a moment and when he came back noticed everyone was gone.

He sighed, seeming that he understood himself now what he felt, he decided to tell her.


You waited for what he was trying to say, "I just can't think of anything to say!" He says in frustration. "I'll just show you." He says finally.

You look at him and your eyes open wide when he crashes his lips to yours, his hands cupping your face. You soon relax into him, wrapping your arms around his neck, making him tense.

He pulled away slightly and looked into your (E/C) eyes, pink tinting his cheeks. "I am sorry, it's just, I have been feeling like this for a long time, but have been too cowardly to tell you." He says slowly, his breath hitting your face softly.

You knew that your face was blushing like mad, but you made no move to pull away from him. "I have too, Masato..." You say quietly, making him smile at the use of his first name.

"May I ask..." He starts to say but you interrupt his voice by kissing him again. He doesn't tense at your touch this time as he wraps his arms around your waist in an embrace.

When you pull away for air, you smile at him, "I am yours, Masato." You say, gaining a surprisingly child-like grin from him.

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