Começar do início

I went up the stairs, finding myself hesitating to enter the room I'm staying in and the room beside it — Sirius's old bedroom.

I sighed to myself and slowly opened the door "Sirius Orion Black" written in Silver on its old wood. The room was dusty, like it hadn't been touched in a year.

The bed was made but his desk was still messy. The walls had Gryffindor posters all around, probably to piss off Walburga, I thought to myself. Beside his bed, he had also had quite a few posters of bands and musicians.

I walked over to his dusty desk. He had a record player sitting there along with a lot of parchment and quills scattered around.

In his drawer, was a concerning amount of David Bowie, Led Zeppelin and Queen albums which he'd told me stories about Andromeda getting him them while he was at Hogwarts.

I heard the door creak and felt someone's presence next to me, "Couldn't last much more in that conversation either, huh?" chuckled Matt, "Yeah"

He looked through the albums I'd found, "He sure loves music, you get it from him". I let out a soft laugh.

"Let's see the last thing he's listened to" I suggested, opening his record player to see a vinyl already in there. "Hunky Dory album, David Bowie, 1971" I read. "Play it"

I plugged the record player in, placing the stylus on the record and pressed a play switch. A song started playing, a song I recognized...

'...As they ask her to focus on Sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man, look at those cavemen go It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man, wonder if he'll ever know He's in the best-selling show...'

" 'Life On Mars?', one of his favorites" called out a voice. Mattheo and I's heads both shot in the direction of the door, Remus and Tonks standing there with a soft smile. "My mum, Andromeda, she got him this album" she stipulated.

"Yeah... He's told us a lot about how she'd always get him the newest albums" said Mattheo. "We'd always listen to them in our dorm nonstop" laughed Remus inwardly.

I slightly smiled, letting the music play...

'...It's on America's tortured brow
That Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow
Now the workers have struck for fame
'Cause Lennon's on sale again
See the mice in their million hordes
From Ibiza to the Norfolk Broads
Rule Britannia is out of bounds
To my mother, my dog, and clowns
But the film is a saddening bore
'Cause I wrote it ten times or more...'

A comforting yet at the same time saddening silence filled the gaps of the moment...

My eyes began watering and I forced them to shut so that I wouldn't start to cry, but I did. I buried my face in Mattheo's shoulder and I cried, and cried and cried and he began to cry with me soon enough

"Oh Aliyah..." Remus's voice was full of sorrow. Tonks instantly came over and pulled me into a tight hug. "It's okay, you can cry..." she comforted.

"I miss him so much, 'Dora... but he's gone... and I can't do anything about it" I continued to sob.

She sat down next to me on his old daybed, and I kept my hands on my eyes. "I know how it feels, trust me..." said Remus who brought over a crying Mattheo to sit down as well, "he was my best mate".

"Whever people mention... Tom, or Bellatrix's name..." began Matt,
"it just reminds us of how they're the reason they're now dead... I'm ashamed to be one of their children" I continued. "As am I" he added, sniffling and wiping his eyes.

I wiped my face with my hand, seeing Remus divide a chocolate, giving both Matt and I a piece, "Eat, it'll make you feel better, trust me"

"Thanks... Moony" I chuckled, taking the chocolate and eating a bite out of it, "Yeah" Matt chuckled as well. Remus's look and 'Dora's softened, "How do you two know about that?" She looked surprised.

"We actually found the Marauders map at Hogwarts" Matt laughed, "How on Earth did you get a hold of that?" Queried Remus.

"We found two in Filch's office in our third year. Fred and George have the other two" I said, "I've still got mine with me..." I reached into my pocket and pulled out the blank parchment.

I got my wand out, pointing it to the paper "I solemnly swear I am up to no good".

The red text on it began to appear, 'Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, are proud to present "..the marauders map" chuckled Remus "May I?..."

I nodded, handing it to him. He opened it up, eyes lighting up, "There are secret passages marked on it and everything" I added with a laugh.

"I know...". Matt and I both raised a brow, "How?" said Mattheo.

"This one used to be his" said 'Dora with a smile

1463 wc
Last day of midterms tmr!🥳🥳
I'm not going to be home the entire day Thursday so I might not write

Just - Theodore NottOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora