Chapter 10 part 2

Start from the beginning

— No need to apologize, Sir Lonios. I, too, am not accustomed to such treatment. Among equals, it's unnecessary; here we are all knights.

— I understand, Sir Elisis, here we are all equals.

When he said this, the other knights stopped what they were doing and remained silent for a few seconds, observing each other. Afterward, everyone returned to their tasks. Lonios waited for Nimbus to approach and introduce him to Elisis, but a few awkward seconds passed, with the knight looking from Elisis to Nimbus. Eventually, he gave up waiting, let out a shy laugh, and went to find the boy.

— Come here, Nimbus. My apologies, my squire; I didn't teach you good manners. I should have spent some hours instructing you on that.

Nimbus was dumbfounded, staring at Elisis until Lonios' nudge practically woke him up. When Lonios led Nimbus over, Elisis extended her hand to the boy, who, not knowing what to do, attempted a somewhat forced hand kiss. She laughed afterward and patted his head.

— No need to worry, Lonios. I know the training routine. If even you forget your manners, imagine your apprentice. Don't fret. — She sat back down, and Lonios joined her. Nimbus sat as far away from the girl as possible, shrinking into his chair with embarrassment. He didn't like this situation; he had promised himself not to get involved with anyone who could hurt him again.

— So, when are we setting out for this expedition? Sir Ahbran informed me that the spaceship's construction is nearing completion.

— Yes, it's true, Sir Lonios. The ship could be ready to depart tomorrow if the Grand Leader's youngest son, Renan, the Minister of Works and Structures, weren't interfering. It seems he had some ideas that, according to him, will improve the ship's performance. Sir Araniz stopped chatting with the other two knights and addressed Lonios.

— Improve the performance significantly? — The knight chuckled. — Everyone knows that kid shouldn't be in charge of preparing a dinner, let alone tinkering with the details to enhance a spaceship's performance. I've never seen dumber ideas from someone. Even my dear wife, who knows nothing about spaceships, knows his inventions won't work. — Flavius spoke, taking another sip from his mug of beer.

— Don't mind Sir Flavius, Sir Lonios; he tends to talk too much when he drinks. Our minister is very creative and intelligent, and he's working hard to improve the ship. — Araniz defended. — At the latest, we'll depart tomorrow.

— May I speak with you, Sir Araniz, privately? — Lonios asked.

— Yes, of course, Sir Lonios. — Araniz got up and headed to a corner of the hall, Lonios following. After they left, he nodded for Nimbus to join them, and the boy quickly followed suit.

— What do you wish, Sir Lonios? — asked the knight.

— You see, Sir Araniz, my squire has never participated in an expedition before, and this will be a very dangerous mission since we are only setting out in two ships. Would it be possible for Nimbus to stay here in the castle until our return?

Nimbus's legs went weak when he heard that. Sir Lonios wasn't willing to take him on this mission, the very dream Nimbus had, to travel through the ether, battling monsters, pirates, and discovering new places.

— Yes, I understand, Sir Lonios. We also left our squires out of this mission due to its level of danger. Only Sir Adon insisted on taking Valeros because the boy is truly an exceptional warrior. Of course, you can leave him here. If you want, I can send him to the Palace of Solitude, where he can be trained by the weapons master of our category council.

Nimbus tried to say something, but Lonios's disapproving look made him think twice.

— I appreciate it greatly if you do that, Sir Araniz. — Lonios placed a hand on Nimbus's shoulder. — My squire is very important to me; I would deeply regret losing him in a situation where he is not prepared.

What scared him the most wasn't being away from Lonios, but being alone with that Butcher on the loose.

— Very well, it's settled then. Your squire will be escorted and left in the care of Sir Ahbran until you return. Don't worry, Nimbus, you will be well taken care of. — Araniz also placed a hand on his shoulder. — I believe you gentlemen must be tired from the journey; I will show you to your quarters so you can rest.

He signaled to the castellan, who immediately escorted the two to one of the various rooms in the castle. Their belongings were already arranged in one corner of the room, which had two beds, a wardrobe, a writing desk, and a chair, without any decoration. The window overlooked the courtyard, and the night was already well advanced.

Immediately upon entering, Nimbus protested.

— Master, please take me along on this mission; it's my dream to travel through the ether.

— I know, Nimbus, but it's very dangerous.

— Master, I can defend myself; I won't be a burden to you. You yourself said that I'm already on par with any soldier.

— I know, Nimbus, but now that I've found you, I can't lose you. — Lonios spoke, and Nimbus didn't understand what the knight was talking about.

— What do you mean, now that you've found me?

— I mean, you've become very important to me, and I can't lose you now. It's decided; you will go to the capital and wait for me to return. — Lonios turned away and began to go through his things.

Nimbus decided not to continue the argument because when Lonios made a decision, he usually didn't change his mind. So he lay down on one of the beds and stayed there, quietly crying under the covers.

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