3 - Captured

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After what felt like forever but it was probably just 5 minutes.

Looking and seeing Onyx talking to the Maddens and Hartley he says. "Too late."

I hear them mumble under their voices.

"You played this game well, but you should have known that I always win. And who knew the prize would turn out even better than I thought? All this time, I've been trying to capture the five of you when I only needed one. And I can't forget the other Chosen One."

The camera turned to me being tied to a chair with the same cuffs as Colby and in a hero-looking suit while struggling.

The maddens looked at Hartley and saw her fall to her knees crying.

"What does that even mean?"

"Now that we've secured the Chosen Ones, I can return to Valley View and take out the rest of them."

"That won't be necessary, Oculon."

"That's right it won't. Because my family is going to get you first."

"Exactly. Those fools will be here soon enough to try to save their precious son. And when they do, we'll be ready.In your family's absence, Onyx took over your former lair and brought dignity to this den of betrayal."

I then mumble."Smells like he also brought whatever a nasty stench is underneath that robe."

"You will afford our leader the respect he deserves."

I look at Dec and say. "Well, he isn't mine so."

Dec tells me. "Not Yet"

Colby says. "Do you pay him every time he sucks up to you, or is it more of a blanket deal?"

I laugh till Onyx yells.


Coldy looks at Onyx and asks

"What do you want with me anyway?"

"All will be revealed in time. "

"YES, WELL, HERE'S A REVEAL: I have multiple powers. And I'm about to use my invisibility to escape. Later, dudes. It's not working. I can't move!"
Till Onyx says "That's because I just immobilized you."

I laugh, "That was a cute Colby."

"Pay attention, Chosen One. The show is about to begin. Look who just showed up in Centropolis."

"No. Don't hurt them!"

"Unlike you, I don't disclose my plans before I execute them."

"You're going to execute them?"

"What? No, I meant executing the plan."

I then ask.

"So you're not gonna execute them?"

"I didn't say that."

I say."What."

And Colby asks. "Then what are you saying?"

"Nothing. Never mind."

I just roll my eyes in annoyance.

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