2 - Fridge

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Celia is in a fighting stance and says. "You're going down, banana boy."

I am still on the counter waiting while eating grapes I made appear in my hands.

And keep listening to Colby and Celia.

"Where'd you learn moves like that?"

"I was an all-state running back three years in a row. They called me the "Wild Stallion."

"Because you couldn't be tamed on the field?"

And then Celia gets to the banana. " Or off it. Wait a minute, this banana's fake."

The fridge moves and with my telakinices, I close it. But it was heavy so it happened. And Colby was trying to distract Celia.

"What's that noise?"

"Noise? I didn't hear a noise. What noise?"

"Fair warning. The last person to put an arm around me is still looking for that arm."

I know when I get the fridge closed. "That is true."

And he backed up and stood in front of me while I put my arm on him as Ceilia looked at us.

" Well, we're in this together now, so I say we unpack the mystery of the fake banana once we get to the living room. "

"Umm, Grandma there is no mystery."

"Cleo, you knew that banana was fake. And you know I do not like to be deceived. I'm going home to find a real snack. Watch your back, Jimmy. The Wild Stallion is coming for you when you least expect it."

She leaves and Coldy goes through the door as I pull the banana and stand next to Colby.

Me and Coldy see Declon holding a purple suit which is Coldy's villain suit and my bracelet that was hidden in his villain costume.

"Declan?" "Dec?"

"You're coming with me."

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