— Why? Why are you selling me?

Before the old woman could speak, the man said,

— Hold on, it's not what you're thinking. I am Sir Lonios Drago, as you can see, just like you, my eyes and skin tone are reddish-brown. I also come from Victórius.

Nimbus looked into the man's eyes and noticed that the color was identical to his own. He just didn't understand the connection between his eyes and the freest country in the world.

— So why... why are you here, and why are you paying Mrs. Zeliudes? — The skeptical boy asked with a slightly weak voice.

— Well, I heard that there was a boy in this slum who really wanted to be a knight. So, as I was looking for a squire, I thought about inviting this boy to become my new apprentice.

Sir Lonios Drago let out a hearty laugh before responding,

— That's the idealized version of the story, my boy. The truth is, the path to becoming a knight is often paved with more than just noble blood. It requires skill, determination, and sometimes a bit of luck. I've seen knights of humble origin rise to greatness, and I believe anyone with the right qualities can become one.

Nimbus was still processing this unexpected turn of events. He had dreamed of being a knight, but the harsh reality presented by the drunkard had shattered those dreams. Now, a genuine knight was offering him the opportunity. He looked at Sir Lonios with a mix of confusion and curiosity.

The knight continued,

— I see potential in you, Nimbus. You may not have the typical background, but you've got a spark in your eyes. It's up to you whether you want to embrace this path. But know this, being a squire under Sir Lonios Drago is no easy task. You'll be trained rigorously, face dangers, and your life won't be the same. Are you up for the challenge?

Nimbus hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts. The idea of becoming a knight, something he had abandoned as an impossible dream, was now a tangible offer. It was a chance to escape his current life and embark on a different, adventurous path. With a deep breath, he looked up at Sir Lonios and said,

— I'll accept the challenge. I want to become a knight.

Sir Lonios grinned, clapping Nimbus on the shoulder.

— That's the spirit! We leave at dawn. Prepare yourself, young squire; your journey is about to begin.

As Nimbus nodded, a mix of excitement and uncertainty filled his heart. Little did he know that his decision would lead him on a path of self-discovery, danger, and adventure beyond his wildest imagination.

— Yes, knights who reside in castles find it more convenient to proclaim squires as the children of nobles, or high-ranking members of the government in the region, precisely to gain the favor of that family or ask for favors. However, it is not necessarily required to be noble or wealthy to be a knight. I am not that type of knight; I am a Wandering Knight. I don't have a Lord to dictate my missions; I live life by following the knight's oath. Occasionally, I am hired by a Lord to serve them for a short period. But most of the time, I travel the world spreading my code.

— But don't you have to be a child to start training? I am almost an adult.

— Well, young man, first, you have a long way to go before becoming a man. Second, being a man is more than a matter of age; it's about the responsibilities you take on. You will still be a teenager for some years. By then, you will complete your training and can become a knight, just like me. Besides, I cannot take on a child as a squire. My profession as a Wandering Knight does not allow it. If I had a child as a squire, they would surely die at the first difficulty I faced. You are at the ideal age to be my apprentice.

After the explanation, Nimbus lit up with a smile, and happiness engulfed his body; his dream was coming true.

— So, what do you say? Do you want to be my squire? — the man spoke, with a smile on his face.

— Of course, yes! This is my dream, it always has been — Nimbus couldn't hold back tears and had a broad smile.

Lonios rose, and as if making an oath, he said:

— Great... then as my squire, I promise you that if you fulfill your squire duties correctly, you'll have food to eat and clothes to wear, and I won't beat you unless you deserve it. Kneel.

After Nimbus knelt, the man spoke.

— Not with both knees! You're not praying, only put one knee on the ground. — When Nimbus positioned himself correctly, Lonios continued:

— Do you swear to fulfill your duties as a squire and obey my orders?

— I swear!

— Great, then rise now as a squire sworn to Sir Lonios Drago.

Just by making that oath, Nimbus already felt stronger than before, as if an invisible force was taking over his body.

Seeing all of this, the elderly woman began to stir in her chair, placed her hand on her chest in a painful expression, and, hesitating, started rummaging through a drawer. Nimbus hurried to help her, picking up a small box; he grabbed a pill from the drawer and handed it to the woman, along with a glass of water.

— Is she okay? — Lonios asked, observing the woman catch her breath.

— Yes, it's just a heart ailment; taking the medicine will make it better — Nimbus replied.

— I'm fine, my dear, no need to worry — Mrs. Zeliudes composed herself and spoke, still with her hand resting on her chest.

— Very well then. Pack your things; we'll only take what is essential for your training and only what you can carry.

— Sir, but what about Mrs. Zeliudes? I can't leave her alone; I have to buy her medicines and make sure she takes them properly.

— Nimbus, my dear, don't worry about me. You know I manage. With the money Sir Lonios gave me, I'll pay Francesca's daughter to help me. Don't worry; she's always here when you go to school.

Indeed, the girl had been taking care of Mrs. Zeliudes for a few years while Nimbus was at school, especially since the elderly woman's health had deteriorated.

— I gave her a lot of money; she'll be fine. Besides, whenever you're in town, you can visit her.

Nimbus smiled and, amid tears, asked his new master:

— Sir, forgive me for asking, but how did you find me?

— I was buying dried meat for my journey at a butcher shop nearby, and the owner's son told me about a boy who dreamed of becoming a knight one day...

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