chapter One (The first Step )

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26 August...

There is something so mysterious about rainy days isn't there ?

Each drop a love note

The gentle patter of rain the earthly scent of petrichor and the way the world seems to slow down just a little , something about rain that makes you feel the most beautiful feeling specially with the people you love or the people you admire , even the things you do .

" Just tell me already Sophia you are such a picky girl , what exactly do you want for your birthday "

" Hey talk to her calmly she is the birthday girl "

"Yeah whatever "

The voices coming from the center startled me turned,  I my head to the mysterious voice

So looks like I over heard my crush and her friends in a sophisticated manner . it's her birthday in two days , should I too gift her something, am I supposed to  , how will she react if do ?

what if she has some expectations from me , But we aren't that close are we ? , we have been classmates for seven years , we do talk !"talk stupid it's always just hi it always starts with a hi and remains on a hi  , I always try to talk to her but it seemed like she doesn't want to talk me . Currently we are in 9th class but still not friends ! , the thing is she doesn't know i have a crush on her from past 3 years nor do I have guts to confess . It's not like i'm an introvert no! i'm a strong extrovert but when it comes to her I feel weak !,

The only thing that bothers me is that what if she doesn't feel the same or what if she rejects me and then we never talk  because she is the topper of the class, always the center of attention , while i'm a back bencher and we barely talk , now I had a chance to get close to her through this birthday present , so I decided to take the risk of first step .

I roamed around  the corridor thinking now what should I gift her ?  suddenly the bell ringed making me a bit frustrated because it's math class now , I guess no washroom breaks for me now .

During the whole class I still couldn't focus while it was still raining as the only thing on my mind was "What should I gift her ?

So the next day I had bought a beautiful heart shaped key chain in red blood colour , I took my shameless self towards her chair it was games period we couldn't go to ground as it was wet cause of rain yesterday I awkwardly greeted her and smiled I forwarded my hands towards her

She looked down at my hands and saw the box wrapped in brown glitter sheet

Her brown orbs shined  and she slightly chuckeld and said "Thanks George "

What did she laugh at ?, the box ? ,my hands ? or my burning cheeks  ?.

I smiled at her and handed her the box , I couldn't even say happy birthday to her , my introvert side had got active and I wanted to run but I stayed still

" Have you  planned to stand here for the rest of the period "

"Huh,! No "

" By "

I went back to my seat and shit! i didn't got the courage to say anything..

who's Wrong Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora