Stories of Old -One shot

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Sometime in between the events of Never Trust a Snake.

Y/n was sitting down on the piles of leaves in the middle of the cave. She and Lloyd had decided to take shelter in that cave the night prior, the sandstorm still ranging on outside the walls of the cave. Y/n flipped a page in the Book, reading over the familiar lines of the page. She had read it a million times over, yet the stories and poems never failed to keep her entertained. Lloyd, however, was not so pleased lounging around an old cave for who knows how long.

"I'm bored," Lloyd complained, looking up at Y/n from where he had laid down. Y/n didn't react for a moment, reading the final words on the page before sighing, looking to the upsides down Lloyd.

"Do something then," Y/n had responded in a less than enthusiastic tone. She had to deal with Lloyd's complaining for how long now? Only the First Spinjitzu Master could know.

"There's nothing to do," the young boy groaned, rolling from his back to his stomach.

"Sure there is," Y/n spoke, flipping to the next page in the Book.

"Like what?" Lloyd questioned, sitting up, his bored expression never leaving.

"Count the number of sand specs you can find inside your shoes," Y/n shrugged. "Or see how many rocks you can carry before you drop them."

Y/n glanced back to the Book, her reptile eyes scanning over each letter of the page.

"Think about how you're going to make the Hypnobrai and Fangpyre pay for all I care." Y/n quipped. She heard Lloyd huff and flop back down onto his back. It was quiet for a few minutes, the only sounds being the sandstorm outside. Y/n finally thought she had gotten Lloyd to be quiet, but fate didn't agree to the silence, Lloyd speaking up as he looked back to Y/n.

"What are you reading?" The blond-haired boy asked the serpent. Y/n paused in her reading, making a mental note of where she was in the text. She looked up to meet Lloyd's eyes and raised the Book for him to see.

"This is a family heirloom, one that has been in my family since the First Spinjizu Master was alive," Y/n explained as she slowly closing the Book. "It was passed onto me when my parents passed, just as it was for their parents, and the ones before them, and so on."

Lloyd stood up, walking over to Y/n with a curious look in his eyes; not the same one he had when he discovered the Hypnobrai tomb or the look he had when he saw the serpentine map for the first time. It was the same glint that Y/n saw when she revealed her true identity to Lloyd. This was a look of pure, untouched curiosity, one only a child could ever create.

He sat down once again in front of Y/n, looking at the Book with interest.

"Can I?" Lloyd asked, holding out his hands, requesting to hold the sacred book. Y/n looked at the Book's cover and back at Lloyd. She nodded, placing the slightly heavy book in Lloyd's small hands.

Y/n watched as Lloyd looked at the Book's cover, turning it over to its back, then front again. Lloyd turned to the first page, his eyes scanning over the text. Confusion was next to cross his face, eyebrows furrowing together as he tried to read the text intently.

"What is it supposed to say? It's just random symbols," Lloyd said as he handed the Book back over to Y/n. She smiled at seeing how Lloyd was confused by the old language of their ancestors.

"This text was not written in any languages you are familiar with. It was written long ago, back when this was the language every creature spoke," Y/n explained as she opened to the first page.

"Would you like me to read it to you?" She asked the curious boy, whose expression was no longer bored, but instead a look of excitement in his bright green eyes. "Very well then."


Not too long ago there was a man who created everyone and everything. He was powerful, intelligent, and honest; he was everything someone dreamt of. Lillian was no exception.

Lillian was created amongst the stars, burning so brightly that not a single soul could go without seeing her beauty. Lillian was fair, her soul pure and untouched by the evil that lurched in the shadows of Him. His shadows were long, dark, and cruel. The other half of the coin, the Yin to the Yang, the end to His blade.

It was His hand that caused Lillian to fall from the sky, to lose her purity and beauty. Her once clear and fair skin was hardened, cracked like the land she walked on; her body changed, becoming something wicked and full of hatred. No longer did her eyes shine like the stars, no longer did her tongue speak the truth, no longer was she His creation.

His love for Lillian was too great, His hope for His star to remain forever pure being cut down like a blow from His sword. It was His shadow that would forever cause pain and suffering in Ninjago. It was His shadow that consumed the star, His shadow taking the pure light and twisting it into a creature of darkness and evil.

His shadow mimicked His love, spreading its vicious love like a wildfire, plaguing Ninjago with a creature of evil until the end of time itself. A creature that could never die, never fall ill, only release chaos and destruction in its path.

His shadow had released a snake into the garden.

Once a star, now another shadow of His love, she would forever roam Ninjago, cursed to see the night sky where she used to radiate light to those below her. No longer did the star look down on Ninjago and no longer did His shadow taunt her. This was her fate.

He could make new stars -bigger and stronger stars- but no matter how many stars He made, none shined as bright as Lillian once had. None could light up the sky and shine onto the land of Ninjago.

No longer did the star's light shine, did her glow radiate in the darkness. The darkness was His shadow, it was always His actions. It was His shadow that led to the star's descend.

His love was the star's only fault.


"Who is the story about?" Y/n looked up from the Book, staring directly at Lloyd. For a minute, she had forgotten she was reading out loud to Lloyd. It was almost concerning how focused she could become when it came to these short passages.

Regardless, a small smile found its way onto her lips. She closed the Book, sliding it back into her discarded cloak on the ground, answering the young Garmadon's question.

"My ancestor."

Hello everyone!! It's your author, Silver. I had this random idea to make one-shots about our favorite girl Y/n and felt pretty good about this one. I wrote this and edited it at three in the morning so I wouldn't be surprised if any of y'all found typing errors. If so, please tell me so I can fix them! I try my best to give my readers the best possible experience while reading my stories.

If any one of you have an idea or a request that includes Y/n, feel free to comment or message me directly. I'll do my best to see if I can do what they ask of me, but sorry ahead of time if I'm unable or refuse to write. I doubt that'll happen, but you never know.

Anyway, I hope you're all doing well, and remember to stay safe!

Word count: 1329


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