Calvary match

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(No Ones POV)

After the obstacle race, Izuku, Koro and Ochaco then walked up to Ryujin.

Ochaco: That was amazing! Ryujin!

Izuku: yeah, I thought i had you when you blown away to the back, But that was incredible!

Koro: That's Ryujin, for ya.

Then the four of them looked back to see Mineta sticking on to Yaoyourozy's back

Yaoyorozy: Your the worst.....

Mineta: Best plan ever!

Ryujin: Hey Mineta!

Mineta looks back only to see Ryujin coming right at him and punches him off of Yaoyorozy's back

Mineta looks back only to see Ryujin coming right at him and punches him off of Yaoyorozy's back

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*This will be a thing as the story progresses*

Yaoyorozy: Thank you, Ryujin

Ryujin: anytime, Yaoyorozy

After all of the student all looked back to Midnight, as she goes over the results

Midnight: The first stage of the the first stage is over, Now take a look at the results

The results were now showed on the screen with, Ryujin in 1st, Izuku 2nd, Todoroki 3rd, Katsuki 4th, Koro 10th and Ochaco got 15th

 Midnight: The real competition begins next! The press cavalry'll be all over it! Give it your all! Now then, here is the second game. I already know what it is and here it is!

The screen stops on the calvery match

Kaminari: A calvary match? I'm bad at those...

Midnight: Let me explain. The participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish. It's basically the same as a regular cavalry battle, but the one thing that's different is...based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a point value.

Yaoyorozy: so in other words, each team is worth different points depending on who's team is on.

Mina: I see!

Midnight then looks back at everyone with an annoyed look

Midnight: You guys don't hold back even though I'm talking, huh?! But yes, points assigned go up by five starting from the bottom. So 42nd gets five points, and 41st gets ten points! And the point value assigned to 1st place is...ten million!

All the students then began to stare at Ryujin 

All the students then began to stare at Ryujin 

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