You can Become a Hero

395 8 13

(Third POV)

Currently, at the playground, we see a young boy with messy green hair name Izuku Midoriya, standing infront of another kid, defending him

Izuku: That was mean Kacchan, can't you see he's crying?

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Izuku: That was mean Kacchan, can't you see he's crying?

He then got into a stance, as if he was ready to fight

He then got into a stance, as if he was ready to fight

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Izuku: If you going, i-i won't forgive you!

On the other side of Izuku, was a kid name Katsuki Bakugou and his friends

Katsuki: Even when you're Quirkless, you're pretending to be a hero, huh, Deku?

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Katsuki: Even when you're Quirkless, you're pretending to be a hero, huh, Deku?

Izuku flinched, as Katsuki and his friends were ready to lunged at him, but before they could, Katsuki was punched in the face and his friends were Kicked in theirs as well

Katsuki: What the hell?!

He then looks up to see a kid with spikey Black eyes and and black eyes, standing infront of Izuku and the injured boy, Which he is Izuku's Childhood friend, Ryujin Altair.

He then looks up to see a kid with spikey Black eyes and and black eyes, standing infront of Izuku and the injured boy, Which he is Izuku's Childhood friend, Ryujin Altair

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The Dragon Born Hero (Oc Insert x My Hero Academia)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora