Chapter 20: 2nd Kingdom Conference

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Jazmine mentally groaned as the King of Leaf Tree was announced. "I can't believe that idiot showed up."

Jayda shrugged and grinned, the Idiot wasn't as well put together as he was at the last Kingdom Conference, "He is looking, decidedly dishevelled." Cait snorted in amusement as the others who knew why grinned.

Ingrid cracked her knuckles as she noticed the Emperor walked into the room.

"Stop him Jayda," Astra ordered as Frey grabbed Ingrid to keep her from going and killing the Emperor.

Jayda got in front of Ericson and stopped him from going forward. "Hann munu fá hans. [He'll get his,]" Ericson glared at the one responsible for all the strife in his homeland, Jayda gave him a firm look, she was not above putting him on his arse if he didn't back off. He took a deep breath and stalked off to get some food, if he was full, he was less likely to kill him.

Jazmine watched the whole interaction with a grin, "This is going to be a fun conference this year." She said as Jayda joined them having followed Ericson to make sure he was away from the Emperor.

The five War Horses glanced to each other as they knew that no one would forget this conference. "So, food?" Cait asked.

"Yeah, I can eat," Ingrid stalked over to the tables and was pleased to see some Barbarian food on the table, she knew that castle cooks had been learning how to make Barbarian food from Tofa, but she hadn't expected them to be on offer on the first day. Khala stepped into the room because she ran a principality she had been invited to attend. "Khala Faera clan leader of the Dark Elves." Was declared by the herald.

Khala ignored the death glare from the Leaf Tree king and went over to greet Jayda who had moved to the tables, the first meet and greet was meant to be a relaxed affair, a buffet, drinks and chatting, it was meant to foster good relations. This conference however was more charged than the last, the Empire was being openly hostile to everyone, the Barbarians had torn up their non-aggression treaty and were currently raiding the empire in devastating waves.

"Hey, do you have?" Khala asked in the Dark Elf tongue as she rubbed her left inner wrist, she wanted to know if Jayda, as a Wildling, also sported the mark of being claimed. So far none of them knew why they had been claimed only that they had.

Jayda nodded and rubbed her own mark, "That Dark Elves as a race are now claimed as subordinate race to a dragon God. Yeah. I know."

"Jayda, introduce me." Jazmine demanded when there was silence for a few moments.

Jayda nodded, "Her Royal Highness, Queen Jazmine of the Golden Sands kingdom. May I introduce you to Khala Faera leader of the Dark Elf clan."

Jazmine grinned, "Are you and your people enjoying your freedom?" she asked in a slightly loud tone, she wanted everyone to know, that Dark Elves had been slaves to Leaf Tree and now they were free.

Khala grinned, "Very much so, in fact, the honey ale on offer tonight is a gift to Ashford and the conference, as thanks for helping us get out from our forced servitude to Leaf Tree."

Ericson, overhearing what Khala said pushed between Frey and Astra. "You make this?" Ericson asked as he held out a half empty mug of ale. He had taken a single mouthful and had to force himself not to down the entire thing, it was that good.

Khala nodded, "Yes, from Gold and Rock bee honey."

"Do you trade it?" Ericson asked seriously.

"The honey mead is better," Ingrid remarked having drunk some after dinner a few times.

"Better? Then why isn't it here?" Ericson asked, he wanted some if it tasted better than what was in the mug.

"Because one horn will put you on your arse and a drunk Barbarian is the last thing needed at this moment," Astra told him firmly and Ingrid nodded, after the first night she always drank hers watered down and it still managed to get her drunk quickly.

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