004- ladies lunching (and conan)

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          "Hi, welcome in! What can I get started for y'all?" Bella repeated for the hundredth time that day.

She had been working this small cafe for the past year- when her and Morgan decided to pool their money together to get an apartment and move out of their NYU dorms- and since she decided to pull back on the amount of classes she was taking this semester, she found herself spending most of her time at the cafe. As tiring as it got, it was only to her benefit- New York rent is no joke.

Bella took the order of a nice couple, and went to the back to take her break. She took this time to check her phone, seeing a new message.


hey, what time does your shift end?
wanna grab a bite to eat?

             that would be amazing
                      i can't eat one more croissant
i've had like 3 today. i get off at at 2

hah you get off
bella 👎 a message
ok my b
can we meet at ur place?

yes sounds perf let's meet at 2:30
Conan😈  👍 a message

        "Honey, I'm home!"

        "Bella, I promise you do not have to do that every time you walk in here," Morgan called out from her room. Bella ignored this and walked right in, kicking her shoes off and plopping herself down on her roommates bed.

         "Conan's gonna come hang for a bit and then we'll probably go get something to eat."

         "I'll alert the media," Morgan grinned as she kept her eyes glued to the book in her hands.

        "Oh shut up," Bella chuckled and took the book right out of her hands and set it on the bedside table. "How was your day?"

         "It was fine, you know Tuesdays are my least favorite. I'm still stuck in that same lecture hall with that piece of shit professor, but it's fine. Ya know," She paused and took a breath, adjusting to make eye contact with Bella, "Your mom texted me today to make sure you were being honest about keeping up with your meds. I know it's not my place to control that but I wanna make sure you're doing alright, B."

         Bella's demeanor shifted, she hated the thought of people worrying about her. She knew Morgan just cared about her- she was lucky to have her. Things had gotten bad freshman year, and honestly, Bella expected Morgan to just submit a room transfer form and leave her; But she didn't. Bella had always struggled with major depressive disorder, and her coping skills were less than ideal. But she was doing better, she was on her medication and saw a therapist regularly. Really- she was doing ok. But still, that didn't mean her mother didn't still feel like she had to text Morgan every once and a while and make sure her baby was taking care of herself.

          "Morgan- I love you, thank you," She leaned over and wrapped her best friend in a hug. "I'm taking them, I'm doing okay- I promise," She said as she pulled away. "Now stop looking at me like I'm a homeless puppy, Im gonna go get changed out of my work clothes before Conan gets here," She paused, halfway out the door, "And don't give me a look- but you have to see what Gracie sent me."

           "Bella! Conan's here!" Morgan called out as she opened the door. "How's it going?" She smiled.

         "Great!" Conan said as he already felt comfortable enough to reach forward and hug Morgan.

         "I'm here, I'm here! Don't worry guys, I know you two missed me so dearly," Conan and Morgan rolled their eyes in unison. "Actually wait- Conan, do you mind if Morgan comes with us?" Bella shot a small smirk to Morgan, knowing she still had yet to recover from her "starstruck-ness" since dinner.

          "Obviously not, I like her more than you," He grinned and threw an arm around Morgan's shoulder. Morgan looked back and mouthed 'I hate you', to which Bella mouthed back, 'You love me'.

The three walked down the stairs of the apartment building and towards the nearest coffee shop, the one Morgan and Bella go to religiously. Bella offered to wait in line and order while Conan and Morgan got them a table.

"So, Morgan, you excited for Olivia's?" Conan smiled.

       "God, I'm kind of nervous! I don't know, I mean parties aren't really my thing. Don't get me wrong though, I can't believe this is our life now like- not to fangirl here- but I love you and Olivia's music, it's hard to wrap my head around," Morgan took a deep breath after word-vomiting at Conan.

"Don't be worried babe, and I'm flattered! It'll be fun, and you can always chill with me while Olivia and Bella go crazy," He chuckled. Morgan returned the smile, trying to hide any concern from him. She didn't know how much he knew, him and Bella hadn't been friends for that long, but it still worried her when Bella got too messed up parties.

"Alright, hope y'all didn't miss me too much," Bella said as she slid in the booth next to Conan, handing him an iced coffee and Morgan a chai.

"We were just chatting about Olivia's this saturday, I told Morgan she can hang with me while you and Olivia let loose."

"Ah I see, well don't count on that, I won't get too rowdy," She glanced at Morgan and smiled. "Who's gonna be there, anyone we know?"

"Oh definitely. Obviously Gracie," Morgan kicked Bella's foot under the table, causing her to squeal then subsequently cover it with a cough. "Sadie Sink, Madison, Iris," Conan continued as Bella stared into space, her mind only thinking of Gracie.

This whole week all she could think about was that video she had sent her, of her favorite song. But she couldn't let herself get carried away, Gracie was straight for all she knew. The two hadn't messaged since then, but she still couldn't shake it.

       Bella decided to push away these thoughts and rejoin the conversation. "Do you have your outfit picked out, Conan?" she asked.

       "I think I might just go with something simple, but like hot. Like a blazer but no shirt," He giggled.

        "Wait that's such a good idea! I might have to copy you," Bella smirked.

          "Oh god, please don't have your tits out at Olivia Rodrigo's party!" Morgan whisper-shouted.

          "I'm only kidding Morg! Id at least wear a bra," Morgan rolled her eyes at her friends teasing, her expression then turned serious.

          "I have nothing to wear! What do I even wear to something like this? This is like- this is my Met!" Conan and Bella couldn't help but laugh at her ridiculousness.

         "I'm sure you'll find something cute, don't overthink it!" Conan put a comforting hand over her own across the table.

      Conan, Morgan, and Bella wrapped up and the two roommates headed back to their apartment.


ok super short filler but the more exciting longer chapter will be out very soon

how is everyone doing ?

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