001- i don't wanna dance, if im not dancing with you

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BELLA woke up to the sound of dishes clanking and the smell of coffee brewing from her kitchen. She groaned as she tossed over in her bed sheets- the same snoopy ones her brother had gotten her for her last birthday- and stumbled out of bed.

         "Good morning B," Morgan smiled at the blonde's unruly bed-head and turned back to face the breakfast she was making. The two had roomed together freshman year, and the random pairing had stuck as they were now sharing an apartment in New York. Their dynamic worked somewhat seamlessly- with Bella's love for parties and Morgan's preference to stay in, they balanced each other out nicely.

        "Whatcha making, babe?" Bella asked as she took a seat at their kitchen island. She had to hop a little to get up on the stool, they really should have opted for more fitting furniture.

        "Some chocolate croissants."

        "Is this a peace offering?" Bella chuckled and Morgan turned around to face her.

       "You're impossible," Morgan rolled her eyes playfully and tossed some chocolate chips at her roommate. "But yes, I am soooo sorry for bailing on you tonight. But you know it's not my thing, and honestly I don't know why you even expected me to say yes in the first place-"

       "I'm kidding, Morg. I know how you are and I love you for it," Bella got up and hugged Morgan, whose hands shot up in an attempt to not get powdered sugar all over the blonde. "But I do have to ask you to give me a ride if you're not willing to come with me tonight."

"Of course, just keep me posted on what time you want to leave."

"Yes, chef," Bella giggled as she gave Morgan a little salute and went off to get a shower while she waited on the croissants to be finished

Every once in a blue moon Bella could convince Morgan to come along with her to a party or club, but tonight was not one of those times. Bella had just recently started to hang out with some new friends she met through work. Being a freelance photographer, she had been taking all sorts of different gigs that she wasn't all that passionate about. That is, until recently she had delved into the world of concert photography. She lined up a gig to take pictures for Olivia Rodrigo and couldn't be more thrilled. Sour Tour was ways away, but Bella was very serious about this offer and all the doors it would open for her. That being said, as excited for her as Morgan was, partying with Olivia and other celebrities she practically worshiped was too much for her, so she decided to sit this one out.

Bella turned on the shower water and began scrolling through her phone to choose some music while she got ready. Nerves settled in her stomach as she thought about tonight. She had scored the job with Olivia partially through her new friend Conan, who insisted she come with him to a party tonight where she could meet Olivia for the first time. She'd never expected to be thrown into this new world of celebrities and dream jobs, but here she was.

"Don't call me kid, don't call me baby. Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me," Bella sang loudly and off-key into her shampoo bottle as she began washing her hair.

"Who sings that song again?" She could hear Morgan shout all the way from the kitchen. She rolled her eyes as she already knew where this was headed.

"Miss Taylor Swift!!" She shouted over the sound of water running.

"Let's keep it that way!" Bella chuckled at her roommates antics and finished up in the shower.

What If You're My Weakness? / GRACIE ABRAMSWhere stories live. Discover now