The Kissing Rock

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"What about you? What's your name, Skinny Jeans?" I can't see the smirk on her face but it's definitely there.

"I'm Alison DiLaurentis."

"What's your full name?" She asks curiously.

"Alison Lauren DiLaurentis." I can't help but laugh at her curiosity. "Why?"

"When I like a girl, I try to get to know them before asking her out." She says, her voice full of confidence.

"So you like me?" I tease.

"Yes, and since we met at The Kissing Rock it must be like, destiny or something..."

"The Kissing Rock?" What the hell is a kissing rock? How is it any different from a regular rock?

"Yeah, people have been sneaking out to The Kissing Rock for hundreds of years. Some people say you can feel the ghosts of the other lovers, pushing you to do it. You know, you should never disappoint a ghost." She explains. She leaned in closer to me.

"This is just a dusty old rock." She leans in closer. Our faces are now only inches apart. She looked me right in the eyes, by now my vision had adjusted to the darkness.

"You can never be too careful." Our lips were about to touch, but we got interrupted by a bright light shining in our faces.

"Really, Em? You blew us off for her?" The bitch from earlier says.

"No, we just ran into each other." Emily defends.

"You guys are at the damn Kissing Rock." The girl says frustrated. Who is she?

"Calm down, Spence." Her name is Spence? Spencer?

"I can't believe it, all these nice girls in Rosewood and you go digging around in the trash."

Why are all these people so convinced that I'm trash? Just because I'm from Ravenswood. "I should go." I say, I stand up and walk away.


I hear footsteps coming up behind me.

"Wait up, Skinny Jeans!" Emily calls.

"You know, just because I'm from Ravenswood doesn't mean I'm trash." I turn to face her, she's only a few feet away from me.

"I don't think your trash." She steps closer and puts her hands on my shoulder.

"Careful, if you touch me you might get your hands dirty." I roll my eyes at her.

"Her hands slip down my arms and she puts them on my waist. "I wouldn't mind getting my hands dirty." A smirk grows on her face as her eyes wander around my body, she licks her lips hungrily.

It feels like she's undressing me with her eyes. "Now you're treating me like a low-class whore." I push her away and take a step back.

"I didn't mean-"

"Save it, Fields. You gotta stop playing with trash, don't you?" I turn around and start walking back the way I came.

"Come on Skinny Jeans I don't think you're trash!"

"I find that very hard to believe!"

"Can I at least walk you back?" She asks, jogging to my side.

"I can walk myself."

"Yeah but, we're in the woods and it's dark."

"Are you scared of the dark?" I ask her with a giggle.

"When it's in the middle of the forest and there could be axe murderers, yes." I laugh again at her comment. "Don't laugh, axe murderers are real." I can't help but laugh again. "I'll let that one slide because you have a cute laugh."

It's impossible for me to stay mad at this girl. And she's such a flirt. I just want to kiss her.

"Where's your car?" She asked once we reached the edge of the forest, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I walked." She gave me a questioningly look.

"All ready from Ravenswood?"

"No, there's some shit going down at school, I needed to get away for a little bit." I explain.

"What kind of shit?" She asks.

"Personal shit."

"Okay, I won't make you tell me. We can take my car." She pulls her car keys out of her back pocket. "Who are you staying with?"

"I don't think you know her."

"It's a small town."

"Ashley Marin,"

"Okay... You were right, I don't know her."

Skinny JeansUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum