Chapter 5

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Underground Club Part: 2

The team had to drive to their destination for an hour through Gotham's alleyways. Alfred drove Bruce's limousine, everyone else in the belly of the vehicle. Barry, Victor, and Clark sat behind the window to the driver's seat. In front of them were, Diana, Bruce, and Arther. The ride was in total silence. Clark and Diana exchanged anxious glances and then quickly glanced at Bruce, but turned away before he could notice.

The team flinched when Alfred banged on the window, letting them know that they'd arrived. The team felt the car jerk forward, indicating Alfred parked the limousine. The right door opened. Bruce got off first and offered his hand to Diana, who hesitantly took it, and held the hem of her dress up so she wouldn't step on it. Clark picked up her translucent cape and gently released it from his hand once he dismounted from the car. The Trinity waited for their recruits to hop out of the car. once they all exited, Alfred zoomed off. Most likely going back to the Batcave to be on Standby.

"Invitation please," The door greeter stated holding out his hand.

Bruce looked at Victor who handed him a white envelope, who handed it to the door greeter. The greeter opened the envelope and pulled out a golden paper. His eyes scanned over the text and looked at Bruce with a smile. "Bruce Wayne! My sincerest apologies! The Vaporians welcome you with open arms!" Bruce smiles and nods. The door greeter leans toward Bruce and whispers, "Don't worry Mister Wayne. Too many people are most likely too drunk to realize Gotham's only available bachelor is in an Underground Nightclub. Your reputation is safe."

Bruce leaned back smiling again, "Much appreciated."

Bruce swore he heard Daina mutter something under her breath when the door greeter said, 'Only available bachelor' but decided to bring it up later when the door swung open to reveal an elevator. The team piles onto the elevator, the doors close, and then the elevator starts its journey downward.

The elevator rumbled to a stop. Music was blaring from the other side, along with strobe lights showing through the cracks of the elevator. The doors opened to reveal people partying the night away!

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