Character Cast; Bruce Wayne and Flash Meet

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Henry Cavil as Clark Kent-aka: Superman

Henry Cavil as Clark Kent-aka: Superman

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Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne-aka Batman

Gal Gadot as Diana Prince-aka Wonder Woman

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Gal Gadot as Diana Prince-aka Wonder Woman

Gal Gadot as Diana Prince-aka Wonder Woman

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Grant Gustin as Barry Allen-aka The Flash

Grant Gustin as Barry Allen-aka The Flash

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Jason Mamoa as Arther Curry-aka Aquaman

Jason Mamoa as Arther Curry-aka Aquaman

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Ray Fisher as Victor Stone aka- Cyborg

A/N:To set the clarity, Grant Gustin Flash will still have the origin story he has from the series

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To set the clarity, Grant Gustin Flash will still have the origin story he has from the series. . up to season 5 cuz that's as far as I have reached, so please, please no spoilers. And taking that the meeting with Batman and Ezra Miller's Flash doesn't match up to Grant Gustin's Flash take(if you know what I mean) I will create a different scenario of where The Bat and our favorite Scarlett Speedster meet up. let us just pretend they're on the same Earth...Without further adieu!

Bruce Wayne and Flash Meet

Team Flash's laughter comes to a stop as an alarm blares from the building. Barry stares confused, "Cisco?" 

"-On it!" A black curly-haired guy began typing away on his computer. "Uuuh, We have a security breach!" 

A brown-haired girl walked up behind Cisco, "By who? Cicada?" Kaitlynn looked at Cisco who shrugged his shoulders dramatically.

Iris turns around in her seat, "Barry!" At the sound of his wife's call, he zooms into the vortex to meet with a well-dressed man, who looks like in his mid thirty's. "Who are you?" 

"Barry Allen, and Mrs. West-Allen," The young man nods his head respectfully, "Congratulations on the wedding by the way." 

"Who are you, and how do you know us," Barry repeats. 

"I'm Bruce Wayne." 

"But Bruce Wayne left Gotham years ago." Kaitlynn and Cisco said at the same time.

"Yes, I did, because I had business to attend to in Paris and Metropilous," Bruce said matter-of-factly.  

"For 10 years," Barry asks cautiously. 

Bruce cleared his throat, pushing away the memories of the countless galas, and the many outings with a certain lady, and gatherings with Alfred, and the Trinity. "-Uh, yes. 10 years. Anyways, I'm putting together a group of people." Barry looked at Kaitlynn, Iris, and Cisco. "I think I have my band of people."

Oh my god, Bruce thought to himself, What is it going to take to Persuade this kid? "I think there's an attack coming," Bruce reveals. 

"Well, my man, that's not new. There's always a new villain, eh Barry?" Cisco flared his hands.

"Look man, whatever it is, we can handle it," Barry said confidently. 

Bruce sucks air through his teeth, "Look, no offense but you're the only metahuman I see to be in this. . .team, and this-" 

Kaitlynn's eyes faded into a crystalized white, and her hair faded out of her brown hue and faded into the same hue as her eyes. "Only metahuman, huh?" Killer Frost smiles at Bruce's shocked expression. "Killer Frost," Her voice has some type of haunting echo to it. "I have cryokinetic powers." She hums. Her hands start forming an ice spear, which she twirls in her fingers."

Bruce points to the spear, "As much as that power would prove useful, we already got a Superman." At that, Barry smiles warmly, "Oh! Does that mean you've met Kara?" Bruce stares at him confusedly, "No. . .Who's that?" 

"You don't-She's uh- never mind," Barry sighed dejectedly. "So what type of heroes are you putting together," He asked once Killer Frost allowed Kaitlynn to return. 

"There's a-uum- there's a goddess on the team," Bruce says passing Barry a knowing look. "She's extremely gorgeous."  Barry sucks air through his teeth and motions to a lovely lady beside him, "I literally have a wife that you knew about!" The playboy shrugged his shoulders, "Worth a try, but glad. I'd never let you lay a hand on her."He adds warningly, to which Barry holds his hands up in defense. "I'm good! I got all I want." 

Bruce turned around before turning back sharply, throwing a Batarang his way. Barry entered the Speed Force, everything going in slow motion around him. Barry stared at the Batarang and looked back in shock at Bruce. Barry returns his gaze to the Batarang and carefully grabs it with his index finger and thumb, exiting the Speed Force. Team Flash gasps at the Batarang in Barry's hands. Barry looks at Bruce, "You're the Batman?" 

Bruce nods. Barry smiles, "YES!! I knew I was right!! OH-HO!! Iris get Oliver on the phone! He's gonna be livid!" Barry laughs. 

"Ah-I don't think that's a such good idea whoever is this Oliver is. I prefer to keep my identity secret."

Barry extends his hand understandly, "Oh! I understand, Oliver is the same way! 'Don't let anyone know I'm the Green Arrow'" Iris slapped Barry's arm and scoffed. "What? Oh! Oh my gosh. . .please don't tell Oliver or the internet. . .I'll have my back penetrated by various arrows."

"Don't worry, I know what it's like, you don't have to worry. On other circumstances, Are you in?"

Barry looks at Iris, *nods* , looks at Cisco, *nods with a smirk on his face*, looks at Kaitlynn, *nods*

"I'm in."

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