Veins - M.M

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You trudged breathlessly up the hill, carrying a heavy bag over your shoulders as you and the party followed Dustin. You glanced over at your girlfriend, seeing her wipe the sweat from her brow. "Max." You called out and she turned to you. You handed her your water bottle, making her smile.

"Thanks." She panted as Lucas nudged her shoulder, silently asking for water himself. Max rolled her eyes before giving it to you, making the dark skinned boy frown as you threw him a playful look, watching your girlfriend continue the journey up.

"Come on." You encouraged as you lightly smashed his shoulder. Lucas groaned before following you reluctantly.


Max threw the bag on the ground as the party reached the top of hill. Eleven and Mike separated a little while ago, due to 'curfew' reasons. She noticed you struggling with yours so she grabbed it from you and set it on the ground.

You gave her a thankful smile, Dustin giving everyone certain instructions. It was still broad daylight outside, so you had to get to it before it got dark.

You went over to help Max, her hands guiding yours as you worked together. You couldn't help but trail your eyes done to her hands, her veins popping out when she set up the antenna for Cerebro. You let out a small breath when you also noticed her arm veins.

Lord have mercy You thought to yourself, trying to rid your head of these dirty thoughts.

"Y/N!" Max called for the hundredth time in your ear, finally catching your attention when you snapped out of your trance. "You okay?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm good." You shook your head as you cleared your throat. Your girlfriend continued to look at you suspiciously. "What did you need help with again?"


When Cerebro ended up becoming a bust, Max offered to walk you home since it was dark. "Were the veins on my hands and arms nice?" She suddenly blurted out, breaking the silence.

Your eyes immediately snapped over to her. "What're you taking about?" Max chuckled as she wrapped an arm around your waist.

"Don't act like that. I saw you." She teased and kissed your cheek while you blushed.

"Whatever." You shoved her away, picking up your pace a little to avoid more teasing.

"Are they at least nice to look at?" Max chuckled again, catching you as she spun you around in her arms. "Were they?"

You glanced at her arms and hands in thought. "Very." You patted her chest as a smirk rose on her face. "Don't mention this again. I've already boosted your ego far too much."

Max nodded her head with a laugh, kissing your lips as you intertwined your fingers together. "Yes ma'am." She winked as you blushed again.

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