The Queen Bee (R.G.)

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Today was the first day of Cady Heron's new life. Her first day at a new school, in fact, her first day of going to a real school. While Cady was navigating the social aspect of teenagers, the queen bee of Northshore High was thriving.

"Hey." (Y/n) sighed as he leaned on the locker next to Regina George's. It was probably Karen's locker, but nothing ever really went in there anyway. Karen doesn't ever remember her code. "Hey babe." Regina smiled and pecked his lips. "So, what's your schedule?" (Y/n) asked and took the piece of paper out of his pocket. His girlfriend handed him her paper and he hummed in approval. "How many together?" The queen bee asked expectantly. "Five. Different math classes and I'm taking AP chem while you have gym." He answered and handed her back the paper. "I still don't know how you're in a senior math class." The blonde sighed. "Me too. I might fail out of it."

The bell for first period rang out and the couple parted ways after sharing a heated kiss. Regina found Karen and Gretchen while (Y/n) made his way to his class. He ran a hand through his hair before starting his first day of school. Everyone always says junior year is the hardest. He's never believed them but he's about to find out how true they were

"So you took all these tests and then what?" Damien asked Cady as they sat outside in the shade. "They placed me in all 10th grade classes, except for senior calculus." Cady answered. "I'm repeating freshman gym." The boy shrugged. "How do you spell your name, Cady?" Janis asked as she sketched something out in a notebook. Cady assumed she was plotting something. "It's Cady. C a d y. Cady.'' The ginger spelled.

"I am so going to mentor you. What else is important that I can tell you about? The cafeteria is terrible. You're going to want to buy your lunch at the school store. I recommend the white cheddar cheez-its. What else? Oh! Spring fling." Damien explained to his new friend. Janis scoffed at the mention of the dance.

"Spring fling is not important." Janis mumbled out. "It is to me." He disagreed before turning to Cady. "At the end of every year, the graduating seniors throw a dance called the spring fling for the underclassmen. Whoever is elected spring fling king and queen automatically becomes head of the student activity committee and since I am an active member of the student activity committee, I would say, yeah, it's pretty important to me." Damien ranted.

"Damien, you've out gayed yourself. He's too gay to function" Janis sighed. As they finished that conversation the gym class walked out onto the field. Three girls automatically stuck out to the two returning students of northshore high.

"In the name of all that is holy, look at Karen Smith's gym clothes." Damien gossiped. Karen struts out onto the field in the shortest shorts and a skimpy tank top. "Of course we have gym with all of the plastics." Janis sighs. "Is that a shirt or a bandage?" Cady asked. "I don't know Cady. But I do know that Karen Smith is one of the dumbest girls you will ever meet. Damien sat next to her in English last year." Janis explained to the new girl. "She asked me how to spell orange." The boy added as an example.

"And see that little one next to her? That's Gretchen Wieners. She's rich as shit because her dad invented toaster strudels." Janis pointed. "Her hair is full of secrets." Damien chimes in. "And the queen bee, Regina George. Don't look her in the eyes." Damien adds. Regina is being carried by a few boys on the football team. While Janis and Damien caught Cady up on who everyone was in the food chain of the school, (Y/n) was walking into his calculus class.

Cady walked into math feeling ready. She knew math, she was good at math. It was her favorite subject. In math, it was only right or wrong. No in between, that's what she liked about it. She sat down in a random seat behind a boy. Ms. Norbury starts writing on the board and Cady starts eagerly writing things down.

"Hey, do you have a pencil I could borrow?" (Y/n) asked and turned around to face Cady. She stared at him for a second before nodding. "Thanks." He mumbled and turned back around. For the rest of the class Cady couldn't focus on a single thing other than the boy in front of her. Math was her favorite subject for a whole other reason now.

"Cady what do you have?" Ms. Norbury asked and effectively pulled her out of her trance. She stared at the equation for a second before answering. "Oh, um, AN equals n plus one over four." She answered confidently. "That's good. Very good." Ms. Norbury complimented. "Damn." (Y/n) sighed. Cady thought it was because he was amazed she got the answer right. In reality it was because he said the answer was 27. Math wasn't exactly his thing. Unfortunately, he had cheated on all of his math tests last year and got bumped up a level because of his high grade.

Lunch had arrived quickly. (Y/n) said a quick hello to Regina and the other plastics before going to his own table. Sometimes he sat with the plastics, but he never learned their schedule of what to wear so he technically almost never fit the rules to sit there. He only sat there on Wednesdays.

Cady held onto her lunch tray and walked around to try and find somewhere to sit. She spotted Janis and Damien and went that way before she was stopped by a boy.

"Hi, we're doing a survey of new students. Can you answer a few questions?" Jason asked with a wicked smile. "Um, okay." Cady shrugged. She didn't know where this was going but decided to hear him out. "Is your cherry popped?" Jason questioned and smiled. Cady smiled politely but did not know how to answer this question at all. She had never learned American slang in Africa. "What?" She asks, confused. "Would you like us to assign someone to pop your cherry?" He followed up. "My what?"

"Jason, why are you such a skeez?" Someone pipes in. Cady turns to see Gretchen, Karen, and Regina. "Is he bothering you?" The blonde asked. "I'm being friendly to a new student." He excuses. "You were supposed to call me last night." Gretchen brings up with a sigh.

"Jason. You do not come to a party at my house with Gretchen and then scam on some innocent girl right in front of us two days later. She's not interested." The queen bee scolds. "Do you want to have sex with him?" She asks Cady. "No." Cady responds instantly.

"Thank you." Cady tells the girl. "Come sit." The blonde tells her. Cady looks towards Janis and Damien who seem shocked. "Regina George." Regina introduces herself. "I'm Cady." Cady responds.

"Where did you get that bracelet? I love it." Regina asks and admires the jewelry. "Africa." Cady responds. "It's so fetch." Gretchen chimes in. "What is fetch?" Regina asks in disgust. "It's like..slang. From England." A disdained Gretchen answers.

"So if you're from Africa, why are you white?" Karen asks. "Oh my god Karen. You can't ask people why they're white." Regina scolds. "Cady, could you give us some privacy please?" Regina asks. Cady looks away while the plastics whisper. Cady makes eye contact with Janis and Damien who look confused and try mouthing words to her. The ginger couldn't try to respond when the plastics turned back to her.

"Okay, let me just say we don't do this a lot, so you should know, like, this is a big deal." Regina starts off. "We want to invite you to sit with us every day for the rest of the week." Gretchen finishes. "Okay." Cady responds with a small smile. "Great. So we'll see you tomorrow." Gretchen nods. "On Wednesdays we wear pink." Karen added. The dress code was extremely important. Which faced Cady with her next issue. She doesn't have any pink clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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