Episode 7: The Fast and the Furriest

Start from the beginning

Leo was clutching his shell and asks, "Man, why can't anyone throw us into a nice soft pile of trash?" "Hey, Donnie, why didn't you just put a tracking device in the Turtle Tank? You put a tracker device in salami paper." Donnie says, "I was getting to that. But then he realized he did install the shopping cart protocol." Donnie presses the button on his device.

Meanwhile, a man is walking down the street with his groceries. The Turtle Tank speeds right past him. From inside, the alarm went off. One of the tires is strapped down, slamming the wheel to a stop.

Splinter asks, "What the? What happened?" A voice says, "Shopping cart protocol activated." Splinter asks, "What's that?" The voice says, "I am programmed to stop if I go beyond a set perimeter." Splinter exits the tank while parking at an alleyway. He opens the hood and has a wrench in his hand. He started slamming it but it won't budge. Unknown to him, a truck moved in. Splinter says, "Useless. Maybe I will call Kaya. She is no snitch.

Meat Sweats asks, "Need a hand matey?" Splinter sees Meat Sweats and says, "Gah! You're a freak of nature!" Meat Sweats says, "Bit of a pot belly calling the kettle back there me thinkies." "Touché. Say, could you give me a ride uptown? I will leave this here and hope it all works itself out." Splinter says. Meat Sweats says, "Well, I could do that but what say we eat first. A drizzle of lemon over a thinly sliced silverfish sashimi." Splinter says, "Fancy. I've only eaten silverfish off the bottom of my slipper." Meat Sweats says, "And I'll throw in a killer dessert."

On the rooftops, we see the turtles still searching for the tank.

Donnie says, "Okay, we should find the Tank if we just track the perimeter of the shopping cart protocol's limit." "Whoa! Are we gonna need a protractor?" Mikey says/asks. Donnie says, "No." "An abacus?" Mikey asks. Donnie says, "Literally never." Mikey asks, "A bag full of sausages!?" "Man, I don't understand how your mind works. Hey, look there's the tank. is" donnie says.

Mikey says delighted, "Whoa! Donnie, nice work." "She's big and beautiful." Raph says.Leo says, "We are gonna get a lot of parking tickets in that thing." He sees Splitner going inside the truck and asks, "Guys? What's dad doing down there?" "Oh, I should have known he took it! You just can't trust adults these days. You leave the keys to your brainchild lying around and the next thing you know-" Donnie says upset but got cut off by raph. "Meat Sweats. Oh, that's bad news. Hey, we gotta move or dad'll be toast, or spread on toast. Let's go." Raph says as they jump off.

Inside the truck, there are cages of animals that Meat Sweats had captured. The pig started to squirt butter on Splinter's head.

Meat Sweats says, "This clarified butter shampoo will make you feel scrumptious." Splinter says, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah. I have a great idea for a chain of restaurants. You're inside a giant wedge of cheese. And you have to eat your way out. I call it TGI Parmesan. My sons thinks it's stupid." Meat Sweats asks, "Sons? What must they be chatty possums?" "No no no. Turtles." Splinter says. Meat Sweats looked outside and saw the Turtles approaching the truck.

Meat Sweats asks, "Turtles? Red blue orange purple?" Splinter says, "You know their names." Meat Sweats says, "Yes. And they're right outside and looking delicious." Splinter was shocked and asks/said, "What? We've got to bone out! They cannot find out I took the tank!" He throws Meat Sweats into the chair and gets underneath the wheel and on the pedal. Meat Sweats asks, "What are you doing, you dotty old sod?" Splinter says, "You steer, I will pedal." With that, he steps on the pedal and the truck drives off.

Raph says, "They're getting away." Donnie says, "Turtle tank time!" The turtles jump into the tank.

Meat Sweats was trying to avoid the pedestrians as the truck maneuvers over them and he says, "Slow! Fast! Brake brake brake!"

Donnie says, "Now that autopilot is engaged, allow me to show you around my stand of the art Turtle Tank. Over there is navigation down here is a, wait for it bowling ball launcher strike! And there is the-" he got cut off by Mikey. "Soft serve ice cream machine? Tell me there's a sprinkles cannon?" Mikey asks.

Donnie says, "Good one. Rainbow and chocolate." The tank started bumping into buildings.

Inside, the turtles started to hang on top of the railing. Raph says, "Donnie, watch the road!" "I wouldn't need to if you would just take your seat." Donnie says as he pressed a button, revealing a red seat in the center. "It's the giant red one with your name and your exact lumber settings." Donnie says. Raph says, "That's beautiful." Donnie says, "Captain, the con is yours." They fisted bumpped.

Meat Sweats asks/says, "You took the tank from your son? Well, I've done some awful things in my life. But you, you're an animal." "I am not taking the fault for this." Splinter says. Meat Sweats asks, "But what could he do to you?" "Purple is a monster. He'll fry my TV so I get is educated shows." Splinter says.

Donnie was poking out of the tank and says, "I know you're in there. Dad, I can see your tail..... Oh Papa. If you surrender now, there shan't be any consequences." Splinter says, "That is a lie, I taught him that one."

Raph pokes out and says, "You're with a very dangerous mutant Pops. Meat Sweats just wants to eat you!" Splinter asks, "Your name is Meat Sweats?" Meat Sweats says, "Well, actually it's Rupert." Splinter says, "Oh, I would stay with Meat Sweats." With that, he presses the pedal and the truck hids the Turtle Tank.

Raph says, "We gotta stop that truck." "I'll blast it with the boom cannons!" Donnie says as he uses binoculars. Leo appears on the screen and says, "Donnie, dads in that thing." Donnie asks, "Can I at least go semilethal?" HIs brothers glared at him. "You never let me shine! Harpoon hooks it is." Donnie says. He launched harpoon hooks and struck the van.

Leo and Mikey began to balance themselves on the chains. Mikey says, "Okay Sweaty Spaghetti, give us our dad back!" "Yeah, hand over the fugitive." Donnie says.

Splinter says, "Don't snitch me bro!" Meat Sweats says, "I don't think so. You have a reservation in my stomach: a party of five seated now. " He sslams down the button and the back door opens up.

Mikey asks, "Oh, is he really gonna teach us how to make that pork risotto?"

Meat Sweats says, "Since I assume you won't go down without a fight, allow me to choose my weapon!" He begins to absorb a cobra snake as the reptile hisses and spits at the window.

Leo says, "He's getting the mutant snake's power!" "Hey. watch out! It's a spitting cobra!" Raph said. "Hey, watch the paint bucko!" Donnies says as they began to dodge the acid. "Donnie, what else you got in this thing?" Raph asks Donnie. Donnie says, "Oh, I've been waiting to try this!" The hood pops open, shapeshifting into a bowling ball launcher that he mentioned earlier. He pressed the button and the bowling ball launcher, hitting Meat Sweats in the face.

Growling, Meat Sweats spit more of the acid. MIkey and Leo say in union, "Oh no." The acid hit the chain and they broke apart. sending Leo and Mikey flying. "Mikey, stop them!" Leo says. Mikey says, "Power whip jitsu!" Fire flies past Meat Sweats as he squealed in surprise.

Leo gets on top of Mikey. "Come on, Meat Sweats, are you even trying? Come on, portal, come on portal" Leo says. Meat Sweats struggled to spit more acid as Leo struggled to make a portal.

Mikey was trying to hold both ends of the chains. "Come on, Leo! My armpits are getting tired," Mikey says. Leo managed to make a portal as the acid entered right in it. Then the acid portals right back at Meat Sweats. He cried in pain. Raph says, "Let's get em."

"So long dinner! I'll just get takeaway." Meat sweats say. All the caged animals are released. Raph stops the tank as the animals snarl and leave. Meat Sweats then grabbed Splinter.

Meat Sweats says, "I'm done with you TGI parmesan. No meal is worth this!" Splinter is thrown out and the truck drives off. "Wait! Wait! Don't leave me!" Splinter says. Meat Sweats is already gone.

Donnie taps his leg on the ground and is angry. Splinter chuckles nervously.

Donnie says enraged, "You...you, reckless irresponsible. You are watching the science of chairs channel for a month young man! Followed by the Long Division Channel and the Memorizing Pi channel! Spoiler alert, the 99th digit is 7!"

End of episode

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