Blueberry Pancakes

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Sophia's pov:

"Grover! Your making a mess"

I laughed at him trying to make pancakes,
He was laughing while he flipped the pancake revealing a VERY burnt pancake making me laugh even harder.

"Oh my god!"

Grover laughed i heard the door open, but I was still laughing at Grover

"Good morning"

I hear Grover say i then turn around to see Genny! I hugged her when she walked over

"Grover and I where trying to make everyone pancakes but..."

I said laughing still I pulled away along with her, she smiled then looking over to see the burnt pancakes making her giggle under her breath.

"My goodness cant leave both of you alone"

She says laughing Annabeth and Luke then walk in

"Good morning!"

I say with a smile I go up to Grover to help him with the pancakes, I grabbed the blueberries putting them in the batter. I then hugged him for a second as he hugged me back I smiled putting my face into his neck. I hear a fake throw up sound along with a few kissing noises making him laugh as I felt a little embarrassed. I pulled away shooing him away to go wake Percy up,

"The burner is to high"

I hear a deep voice say behind me, I look over to see Luke. I smile at his help as he reaches beside me turning the burner down.


I smile at him making him smile back,

"How did you sleep"

I ask while I put some batter on the pan,

"I slept alright... what about you Dimples"

I smiled at the nickname I can't believe he still called me that after almost a whole year,
I shake my head giggling knowing he had a smirk on his face.

"I slept very well other then snickers waking me up"

My cat was keeping me up almost all night last night! Ugh I love him but I can't pet him 24/7?

"Speaking of snickers there is my favorite"

I hear Luke say making he turn to see my cat walking down the stairs going straight up to Luke, I smiled as I admired how my cat just jumped right into his arms letting him pet him while he closed is eyes... Snickers never lets anyone pick him up.... I smile then realizing the pancake I flip it over to see it a little burnt but it was fine.

Time skip

We all sat at a table Percy and Grover making stupid jokes making us all laugh like every morning, I almost choked on my pancake making me laugh even harder while Annabeth starts laughed the hardest I have ever seen making me smile till the point my jaw hurt. I look over to see Luke with a large smile staring at me making me smile even wider while I looked back down as I cut my pancake

"I went to go buy some camo pants..."

Percy says with a slick smile

"Good for you??"

Genny says laughing a bit making me snicker

"But I couldn't find any"

Grover starts laughing hardly getting the joke instantly everyone else taking a second, before we all knew it everyone was laughing again.
I loved the way life was... I couldn't picture it any other way, a small smile grew on my face while the others all talked. I took a bite off my fork then chewing it while putting my fork down feeling pretty full I was never to hungry in the morning.
I then remembered capture the flag was today! I smiled to myself again, today will be interesting..

"Well I have to go get ready for capture the flag"

Annabeth says standing up still chuckling a bit, everyone else nods. She walks out while everyone continues talking I stand up grabbing my plate and hers before I know it the plates are getting grabbed out my hand, I look up to see Luke's back facing me while he walked to the sink.

"Imma go get changed!"

I say while Grover and Percy also get up putting the plates away while Genny follows me up to the rooms. I open my door walking up to my dresser grabbing out black leggings, I then grab a baby pink long sleeve

 I open my door walking up to my dresser grabbing out black leggings, I then grab a baby pink long sleeve

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(The top inspo ✌🏻)

I then put on my clothes putting on some white socks, I walk over brushing my hair again I decided to just leave it down. I tucked my hair behind my ears as i apply some mascara and then curling my lashes. I reach over grabbing my lipgloss applying. I untuck my hair as I stand up going to my bathroom to brush my teeth, I hear the other bathroom door open to see Genny walking into our shared bathroom. I smiled at her with my mouth closed due to all of the nasty toothpaste inside my mouth, she giggled the grabbing her toothbrush I could hear the song


Playing on her record player as I hummed along to it swaying around, gen then started singing it under her breath while she washed her face. I spit out my toothpaste grabbing my little cup and filling it with water, I drink it swishing it around before spiting it out.

"I'm going to go a little early to go practice"

I say walking out of our shared bathroom


I hear her through our shared bathroom, I hear a knock on my door I then see Luke in his jeans and a black t-shirt walking into my room,


I say grabbing my white purse packing a few things to take around, I would come back later and change before the game.


He then says sitting in my beanbag chair grabbing snickers cuddling him making me giggle


I giggled at gennys singing in the bathrooms due to he having no clue Luke was in my room,

"Beautiful singing"

He teases, I hear her stop moving as she peaks her head into my room to see Luke making her squeal as she slams my door in our shared bathroom making me laugh along with him.

"Okay let's go"

He says still chuckling grabbing my purse as I follow him out locking my door.

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