Skiing with the Halstead pt 2

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------Haileys POV------
"Ok, so do this with your skis it's called pizza that's hoe you're going to slow down"

"Like this" I asked laughing

"Ya, just like that now French fries"

"Is everything skiing related to food"

"Haha no i think whoever made it up was hungry and it just stuck for some reason"

"Well it is funny"

We started going down the hill and I only fell 3 times, and I think I'm starting to actually get the hang of it.

"Oh my gosh Hailey you did so good are you sure you've never skied before"

"Haha yep definitely never been skiing before" I said but in my head I was thinking about the time I asked my dad if he would take me skiing God that was an awful night

"Ok, it's already 3 0 clock" Jay said

"Do you want to do that run again or do one thats a little bit harder, well probably not much harder just longer" he asked

" Yeah sure let's do it"

"Alright then, but first let's go get food from the locker we can eat it on the lift or something"

I followed him and he grabbed the stuff and locked it and then we got in line. We talked the whole way up about just random stuff for the first time in a while I actually feel like a normal kid and I love it

We races down the slope and at some point he got a text that they were heading back to the room and getting food on the way and we should do the same

"Ok, so there's a burger place or a seafood place which one"

"Can we go to the burger one I don't like seafood" I said instantly regretting it

"I I mean unless you like seafood then we can totally go there I'm sorry I'm being selfish" I started rambling

----Jay's POV----

"Hey its fine if you don't like seafood we don't have to go there, I'm in the mood for a burger anyways" I said

I don't know why but she's been doing that a lot lately and it looks like she didn't sleep last night I noticed it this morning before we left but she claims she slept good so

We ate and talked about random stuff pretty soon it was almost 7 o clock and we headed back

"Hey, how was skiing Hailey? Did you like it?" Will asked as soon as we walked in

"Yeah it's actually a lot of fun"

"what runs did you guys do" she asked him

----Haileys POV----
That conversation went on for a bit while we made lunch for tomorrow and then we went into our room and watched movies and took turns showering

Jay went first and and then me and he was asleep by the time I got out and then Will got in. I climbed into bed and then my phone rang


"Hailey anne what the Hell is wrong with you!! I'm out of beer and you just left you're just a useless spoiled little bitch but don't worry I'll make you regret it when you come back you'll never even think about leaving again" he screamed and then hung up

God, I'm such an awful daughter i should just die while I'm up here it would be better for everyone mabye I'll just "accidently" ski off of a cliff then it's no one's fault but my own and no one else gets hurt

But for now this would have to do, I thought while holding the razor blade from my razor I looked over to check that Jay was still asleep and I could hear the water running in the shower I just need the release to feel something I made sure it was high enough on my wrist that no one would see it with the clothes I wore for skiing, and I instantly felt better and fell asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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