Court In Law

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"*°•.˜"*°•Objection, Your Honor•°*"˜.•°*"˜



"Order in the court!" The judge shouted, banging his mallet, "Mrs. Choi, would you please clarify if I heard you correctly? You did say you worked 94 hours a week, correct?"

I sat behind Chan, as he was the one persecuting this case. Felix sat next to him. I watched how his leg bounced up and down. He was obviously nervous.

"Indeed I did, Your Honor." Mika responded, her eyes glaring at Baejin, "Many others worked long than me."

"Objection, your Honor." Baejin's lawyer spoke up.


"Felix, Jinkyun, Yuna, Kimi, and Porter and I believe all worked extra hours. Anyways, the work was non-stop. He made up work almost 18 hours everyday with a twenty minute break." She said, "Many employees started the day at an ungodly hour in the mo-"

"Objection, Your Honor, evasion."

"Overruled, continue."

Mika continued. My heart was pounding. Felix's body language was making me nervous. I squeezed Changbin 's hand next to me. He glanced over at me.

"You good?" He mumbled quietly.

"Mhm. I just hope this ends well." I whispered back, eyes fluttering closed as I listened to the testimony, my heart still pounding hard in my chest.

I felt Changbin swipe some hair from my face. I looked at Felix again. Chan was leaning over and whispering in his ear. He calmed down a bit, his entire head turning to face him.

"Relax," Seungmin said to me, leaning on my shoulder, "You're a horrible pillow when you're tense."

I giggled quietly before noticing that her testimony ended. It was Hyunjin's turned to state a few words. He took the oath of truth and stared into my eyes.

"I see here in your report papers you filled out that your boyfriend was abused and stolen from. Why isn't your boyfriend up here instead of you?" Baejin's lawyer asked.

Hyunjin smiled at him, "That's an unrelated question. I am not obligated to answer."

The man gave a offended look before inhaling sharply, "How was your boyfriend abused?"

"He was maltreated. Baejin called him names, slut, fuck boy, fat ass, stupid, etc. Name calling was just the start. He was manipulated into staying. He used a method of attachment manipulation, giving him affection and attention at the beginning of the relationship, before completely neglecting and rejecting them. He yelled and shouted at him for simple wrongdoings. An example as once time of him leaving the house for a walk. That day, he told-"

"Objection, diversion."

"Overruled. Continue, Mr. Hwang."

"As I was saying-"

"Objection, argumentive."

"..." The judge stared at the man for a brief moment, "That was unnecessary. Overruled."

"That day, he explained to me in incredible detail about how he was yelled at and threatened. There was a long mental toll that took over him." He concluded. I smiled, looking out the window before looking back at Hyunjin, who's eyes were meeting mine. I felt tears fill my eyes.

"Explain to me how you two met."

"Gladly, sir. The two of us met at a bar, specifically The Grand Flex. I was bartending that day. I saw him crying and spoke with him. After a while, we hit it off and after my shift, we went to McDonald's and talked til 3:30 in the morning. He told me about his situation and I offered him a place to stay. That night, when we got home, I told him about me and we had a great night. We decided then to start dating."

"Had he ended things with Baejin?"

"No. You should know, you client cheated on my boyfriend with a 17 year old girl." Gasps filled the courtroom.

"Objection! Fals-"


"That 17 year old girl is no one other than Park Minyong, a twelve year long employee at his cafe." He paused, eyes fluttering to mine again before biting lip and continuing. I felt so relieved.

"Who is your boyfriend?"

"I do not have to disclose that information."

"Yes you do."

"I guarantee, it isn't an obligation. Baejin can tell you who it is. He doesn't need a guess, he knows." He replied, smirking at the man, "I can tell you this, Mr. Lawyer. My boyfriend is grateful to have what he has now. He doesn't need his information out in the world. It's quite bold of you-"

"Objection, argumentive."


"Since you know all about this case, tell me about the theft that took place."

"Wasn't too much- oh wait, I was forgetting a couple million. My boyfriend had a solid job as a designer and songwriter. During their relationship, Bae-"



"-Baejin stole his credit ca-"

"Objection, false information."


"Baejin had stolen my boyfriend's credit card, spending over 12-" Hyunjin watched the lawyer open his mouth, "Your Honor. This is unreasonable behavior. He rejecting everything I say."


"He spent exactly 12,692,021,079₩ under my boyfriend's card."

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