Call Someone

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˜"*°•.˜"*°•Do we call the police or- who are we calling?•°*"˜.•°*"˜



  All four of the men sat in silence, looking at Felix who smiled and handed Hyunjin the bill. Taking into note the tear stained cheeks and the bruise on his neck, the youngest two had to look away, not baring seeing him anymore.

  "Thank you all for coming! Please come again soon! I'll make sure to keep in contact with you all. Have a good evening and please tell the others I said hi!" Felix bowed and was about to turn away when he turned back to Jisung, looking at him carefully as if warning him, "Did I forget something..? Oh yes! Jeongin-ssi, I meant to tell you that your hair is quite amazing! Blue is one of my favorite colors!" He smiled before leaving.

  "Let's get out of here... I'm pretty sure that was a sign..." Seungmin whispered, glancing at the camera again before shuffling out of his seat to the door. The three youngest left first as Hyunjin stared at the camera for a minute before turning on his heel and leaving.

  Getting in the car, Hyunjin huffed out, slamming the door shut. It shocked the other three a bit but they felt the same way. Irritated and tired.

  "We need to tell someone about this. It seems like a form of abuse!" Jeongin exclaimed as Hyunjin started the car. The other two nodded.

  "But who?"

  Jisung snickered at the question, "The police, of course!"

  Seungmin shook his head, resting his head against the window as he sighed, "Can't. The police can't arrest without proof or a witness. It's the law."

  Jisung glanced to look out the window where he saw a laughing group of six exit the building, talking to a waiter and seemed to be having a good time. He watched his reaction carefully, putting a hand on Hyunjin's shoulder, stopping him from leaving the parking lot.

  "Wait. I want to see something." He whispered out, staring at the group as the waiter exchanged hugs and waved to them. As soon as the group got into the car, the man turned around back towards the building, his demeanor changed completely.

  He looked at the ground walking quickly to get back into the building as he huffed. Once again, he turned on his heel to watch them drive off. As soon as their car left the parking lot, he slid down the wall and seemed extremely upset. Then, the front door swung open, revealing Mo Baejin.

  "Baejin..." The brunette boy breathed out, balling his fists. He glanced to Jeongin who looked shocked seeing him.

  The man shouted to seemingly shout at him, frantically yelling at him. The restaurant was slow at the moment, so he didn't think that people could see him because this was near the back of the restaurant, not anywhere near the busy road for anyone to witness this scene. The two walked inside, seeing a car turn into the restaurant.

  Jisung glanced at the others, "Let's go."

And with those very words, Hyunjin drove off to their house.


  "Chan Hyung!!!" Hyunjin shouted, slamming the door behind him and kicking off his shoes at the enterance, "HYUNG!!!"

Fluffy Cafe [] Lee Felix x Stray KidsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora