"It's chakra... Yes, Saukra?" Kakashi gestured for you to explain. "Alright listen up, i'll explain it simply! Chakra is energy that a Ninja needs when he or she uses a Justu! It's made up of two energies: 1) Physical energy gathered together from each and every cell in the body and 2) Spirtitual energy accumulated based on numerous trainings and experiences! In other words, justu wrings out and combines these two energies from within the body, and this is called 'combining the Chakra.' Then chakra is activated by forming hand signs." You finished grateful that Sakura was so book smart. "That's exactly right! Iruka Sensei really does have good students." Kakashi said making you smile. "Whatever! I may not understand difficult explanations, but i'll just learn it with my body!" "Naruto is absolutely right. We're already able to use Justu." Sasuke stated. "No! All of you still haven't used Chakra efficiently." "What!" Naruto yelled as Sasuke looked shocked.

"Hold on and listen... As Sakura explained earlier, combining Chakra means picking up both the physical and spiritual energies and mixing them together within the body. And of course the amount of each energy the preparation of the energy, Changes based on the justu you want to activate. All of you at present aren't using chakra effiently! Even if you're able to combine a lot of chakra, if you're not able to control it in a balanced way the effectiveness of the justu not only will be cut in half but it may not even be activated at all. Wasting energy will prevent you from battling for long periods. These are some of the weaknesses that can occur." "W-What should we do?" Naruto asked. "You need to learn to control the Chakra with your body! It's difficult training that requires you to put you life on the line to master!" "Ne Sensei, you want us to do tree-climbing right without our hands right?" You asked. "Thats correct Sakura!" Kakashi said proudly. "What! How are we supposed to do that?!" Naruto asked. "Well! Just watch."

Kakashi then made a hand sign before carefully walking up to a nearby tree. He then started to walk up it with ease shocking Naruto and Sasuke. "He's climbing..." Naruto mumbled in shock while you glanced at the two boys next to you. 'I'm surprised Sasuke didn't know of this. Naruto I get but, Sasuke? Now that's a surprise.' Kakashi continued up the tree eventually walking upside down on a tree branch.

"So see, kind of like this. Focus the Chakra on the bottoms of your feet and make them stick to the tree trunk. If you use Chakra well, you can do things like this. The aim of this training is to accumulate the required amount of combined Chakra to the required spot... This is surprisingly difficult even for an expert Ninja. The amount of Chakra used for tree-climbing is very subtle. And the bottoms of the feet are the most difficult place to gather chakra. Anyway! In other words, if you master that control it will be possible to master any justu. In theory, that is! The second aim is to maintain that combined chakra. Ninjas combin the most Chakra during battles. Under such situations, control and maintenance of chakra becomes most difficult. So anyway, nothing's really gonna happen with me saying this and that. You'll need to learn with your bodies."

Kakashi then threw three kunai's, one at each of your feet's. "Use that Kunai to mark the spot to which you can climb under your own strenght now. Next, make an effort to put a mark further from it. You aren't good enough to walk up from the start, so run and use your momentum to get used to it... You got it?!" Picking up the Kunai infront of him Naruto then declared "This training is nothing! Hah, it's too easy for me!" "Enough with the talk. Now get to it. Try climbing any tree." And with that you grabed the kunai and walked up to the tree that Kakashi was on and made the same hand sign he did. You then easily climbed the tree walking up passed Kakashi and to the very top where you put a mark, before climbing back down to the branch the Kakashi was on and stood next to him also upside down.

As you were starting to walk up the tree Naruto had yelled, "Ready! Here I go!" Before making it only two steps before falling. Sasuke did the same thing but when he got a couple of steps in before his foot put a hole though the tree causing him to quickly mark his spot before jumping back and landing on the ground. 'I didn't think it'd be this difficult to maintain a constant amount of chakra. If the Chakra is to strong you get pushed back. But if the chakra is too weak, there's no sticking power and that happends...' Sasuke thought frustrated.

What. The. Fuck. (Aka a person wakes up as Haruno Sakura)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя