A World Without Peace

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"Help us, Narayan. Trahimam!" Indra's panicked voice broke the emotional moment between Shiva, Parvati and Vishnu. He also noticed the presence of the former two.

"Oh Mahadev and Mata Parvati is here as well! Very good then. We need your help."

Parvati looked towards him angrily and spoke beratingly, "Devraj, what kind of selfish nature is this? Firstly, it's you who befell such suffering for the world and Narayan and then come to him for solution?"

Indra looked down, ashamed.

"It's okay, sister. He made a mistake and he wants to repent. Indra, what help do you need?"

Indra joined his palms and said, "Prabhu, along with Mata Lakshmi, all our riches have gone to the ocean as well. Kamdhenu, Kalpavriksha, Airavat and even the moon. We need to bring them back. What should we do, My Lords?"

Vishnu looked at Shiva and they nodded at each other.

"Devraj the only way we can get back Lakshmi is to churn the ocean. When we lose our path in life, we have to look deep inside us and churn out the truth, similarly we have to churn the ocean to get back what we have lost."

"But how will it be possible?" asked Varun Dev.

"We would need a rod and a rope so strong that it can churn the ocean", said Shiva. "And the perfect rod will be to use Mount Mandar. It is very stable and strong. And for the rope, you can use Vasuki. He is large enough to accommodate the mountain."

"But Mahadev, how can only us do this? We would need more people to help. Whom can we ask?" asked Indra.

"The Asuras."

Indra was shocked at his suggestion.

"The Asuras? Why will they help us? They hate us."

Vishnu smirked, "They will. You know when the ocean is churned, along with the valuable items, Amrit or the 'Nector of Immortality' will also rise from underneath. You just have to convince them that they will get equal share of the items and Amrit. The rest I will handle. "

The Devas liked his idea and went to invite the Asuras. It was decided that the 'Samudra Manthan' will be held two days later, the biggest event the world would ever witness.


Parvati was arranging the lamps that she was about to light in the evening when Ganesh put his hand around her neck from the back.

"What are you doing, Maa?"

"Nothing, sweetheart. Just making sure that no darkness can ever bother us, even in the most dire situations."

Ganesh then came in front of her and looked at her.

"You know Maa, you look so beautiful even without your jewellery."

Parvati smiled at his comment.

"So what, don't I look good with them on?"

"No Maa, that's not what I was saying. You look beautiful everyday."

Suddenly, Ganesh felt someone's hand on his head. He turned to see Shiva standing beside him.

"And what was it that you were saying, son?"

"Pitashree, I was just saying how beautiful Maa looks even without any ornaments, that's it."

That's when Shiva noticed Parvati. Her blue lotus - like eyes were staring back at him. The little light from the lamp brightened her up amongst the darkness of the moonless night. Her usual attire was gone. Her long hair was spread open upon her back with a broad strip of vermilion on her parting. A red bindi was in between her eyebrows like the rising sun from the hills. Her rose tinged lips was curled up in a smile and her Alta - dyed palms were covering the fire flame that was threatening to get extinguished. He could not move his eyes from that image.

"You are right Vinayak. Your mother indeed looks beautiful in whatever way she presents herself. This, right now, is the most simplest yet the most delightful form of the Nature Goddess."

Parvati blushed under his admiring gaze. He had always appreciated her but each time he gave her a complement (which was loads), she could feel her heart beating faster. Only her Sadashiv can do this to Shakti. They had got lost in their world for a moment and when they came back, Ganesh had already taken off. He could never stay in one place. Shiva sat down beside her and started to help her arranging the lamps. Parvati noticed that beneath that smitten look of her husband, there was something that was worrying him. So she gently placed her hand on his shoulder, the touch she knew always calmed him down and she could sense that it did the trick.

"What are you worried about, darling? Share it. You'll feel lighter."

Shiva looked into her eyes and sighed.

"We have given the suggestion for Samudra Manthan but with good, there always comes a negetive effect as well. With rain comes flood, with fire comes Ashes and with nectar, there will be poison."

Poison.... That's the thing that clicked her.

"So you are saying that something can go wrong?"

"There's no surity but you should always be careful. Nobody knows what may happen."

Parvati knew that Shiva liked to talk in puzzles but if he was indicating to something, then she must be prepared.

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