The Calm Before the Storm

Comincia dall'inizio

“I would be honored.” Luckily, he was already in his practice clothes, so they began to walk down the hall. The whole way Acelin joked and teased until she was calm. She felt so relaxed until she heard the sound of the horn. It was her signal to announce any intruders. She ran straight to the field where a crowd had gathered. Acelin was not far behind.

“What is going on,Tirio?”

“A ship is heading our way. It will be here soon.”

Maia turned around to see Acelin coming with two horses out of the barn.

“You want to see?”  She answered by hopping on the horse. Acelin copied her move. They were off.  A group of soldiers followed moments later, going through the same jungle she went through to catch him.

“This is the same as the time I captured you. I was racing through these trees with the Zhiva class.”

“Captured? I gave myself up willingly.”

“That is what you say.”

“It is the truth.” Maia let out a burst of laughter. Before she was surprised, but she was getting used to laughing more. The soldiers were not. They were stuck with surprise at their carefree princess.

When the pair and their group of soldiers made it to the dock, Maia got the eerie feeling that this was exactly the same as before. Same ship and everything. It was a clear blue day. A wonderful day for peace and a horrible day for war.

“That is my ship,” said Acelin with awe. It had been so long, but it was still as beautiful as ever. They had taken care of it. His question was why were they here? He had not sent any word or gave any symbol. If they came to rob Maia, he would have to step in, friend or not. He had new responsibilities.

As before, Maia and her followers met up with them on a battleship. When they were side-by-side, a sailor laid a plank across. Acelin stood in front of the plank, waiting to see who would greet him. Gio was the first, but Reshik was not far behind.

“Captain, you are alive.”  It felt good to hear his title said without sarcasm or snideness, but with the proper respect due to him. It had been so long.

Acelin held his arms out and turned full circle. “And perfectly healthy. Why are you men here?”

“We came to rescue you, captain. I should not have let you take my place.” The boy looked embarrassed.

“Reshik, there was no harm done. I am fine.” He took a deep breath and braced himself. “And staying.”

“Where in Baristia?” asked Gio in shock. “Are they still holding you captive?” He eyed Acelin’s clothes. They were definitely not new, but they looked to once have been of good quality.

“No. I have decided to help. There is a war about to happen. And I am paying back a favor. The Barisitan government has been good to me. So I will stay until I feel comfortable leaving.” Which would be never. He planned to stay a long time beside the princess. He just needed to prove he was more than some lazy pirate. He denied himself a look at the princess. He would not out her to his pirate buddies. They would not understand how precious she was to him. No doubt they would think he seduced her as he did the women at the portside brothels he used to frequent. She was nothing like them. So he said nothing more.

“You are helping them after they captured you!” yelled one of the younger recruit. He had always been a little too headstrong for his own good.

“Yes and I would like you men to help as well. You are here anyways.” Most of the men stared back in shock. He didn’t expect immediate approval, but he hoped some of them had a sense of decency. Before he could hear a reply, he heard a shout from the ship.

"Is that him?" shouted Georgie in glee. Acelin's face lit up when he saw Georgie. She was the closest thing to a parent that he had left. Even if she was a little unconventional. 

"Georgie! It has been a while."

"It sure has. I thought you got yourself killed. Look at you. So healthly. Why are you staying here?"

"I have made a promise that I plan to keep."

"Hmm, is that right?" Georgie looked at the girl next to him, but neither said anything. 

Then, there was a boom!. A blood-curdling scream that ripped through the air followed after. The sound of a horn sounded.

This time, he allowed himself to look at the princess. Her face was turning white.

“We are going now, Acelin.” She turned to the captain and gave the orders to return.

Acelin turned back to his ship and yelled. “If you join, you will join with me. If not, then disappear. This is my last order.” He didn’t need them helping that prince or worse using this time of confusion to ransack the villages.

He turned back around and headed to the princess. She was pacing.

“This is why he was waiting. He knew that I would lead the charge. He wanted me out of there. That pirate ship was the perfect distraction. He has just been waiting for me to mess up.”

Acelin made no motion to touch her. In this mood, she would push him away rather than want him to comfort her.

“Do not worry. You will be there. You put all kinds of protection in place. We will be there in no time.”

“I hope so because I could not live with myself if my people turned out to be killed for yet another mistake.”

“It was not your fault.”  But the princess was already in her own world, planning strategies. 

The Birth of the She-King of BarisitiaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora