Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I wake up on my floor. What am I doing here?! Oh wait.. The thoughts of yesterday come flooding back to mind. I groan rubbing my head and get up off the ground. I have an awful headache, it's throbbing. I walk into my kitchen and take out some painkillers and take them.

Eventually they start to work, and my headache eases. I lean against the worktop and wonder what I'm going to be doing today. I notice a little piece of paper taped to my doorframe. I walk closer and see it's my riddle for today. Yipeee.

"Hello there Shauna, 

Today is the day we meet, 

Are you excited, 

Just walk out to the street."

I'm going to meet the person today? I'm not exactly sure I want too... I just want my friends back. But I follow the instructions anyway, maybe it won't be that bad to meet the person. I'll be able to confront him on why he's doing this to me.

I walk out onto the middle of the street I live on and look around for a little piece of paper for my next instruction on where to head. I see one fluttering in the wind taped to a street lamp. I walk over and rip it off.

"Hello there Shauna, 

Just walk ahead, 

Come to a stop, 

When you see a shed."

A shed? I think that's a garage, Luke used to say shed but he really meant garage so I'd say the person said shed there to make it rhyme so it could make a riddle. I do as I'm told anyway and walk down my street.

In the distance I see a little wooden shack. It's very pretty, loads of roses and daisy at the front and  painted a pretty lilac color. There's paper taped to the window of it. I run over and pick it up.

"Hello there Shauna, 

Isn't this a lovely place, 

Just turn left, 

If you want to see Amy's face."

Amy's face? Does that mean she's still alive? Well I suppose I could still see her face if she is dead, but I decide to think positive. Amy is alive. Hopefully...

I keep walking left, not knowing when to stop because the riddle never told me when too. I guess I should just stop when I see a new riddle.

"Shauna Blake?" A woman that I've never seen before asks as I'm about to pass her by.

"Yes?" I say trying to smile but I'm very creeped out.

"Oh ehm, I was ment to give this to you?" She hands me a note, my new riddle. What the fuck? He gave a woman a note to give me?

"Hello there Shauna, 

You're nearly there, 

Just open the door, 

When you see her hair."

WHAT THE FUCK?! When I see her hair? What's that meant to mean? He's ripped one of the girls hair off and put it outside the door? Why is he doing this?! I'm so fucking pissed off at this cunt that I'm going to kill him!

"Oh the person who gave me the note said to tell you to walk to the back of this house." The woman tells me pointing to the house behind us. So that's the house, I need to find the door with the hair. It's OK Shauna, you can do it.

"Thank you." I whisper. I walk towards the back of the house. Just before I turn the corner I breathe out and run my hands through my hair. Hopefully he'll be in the door and I won't have to follow a new riddle.

I turn the corner and there's no actual door only a tiny double door thing that leads down to a basement. And one of Shannon's hair extensions! Oh thank god! He didn't rip their hair off after all, phew!

I pick up the hair extension when I reach it. I look at it and I notice Shannon's real hair sticking out of the clips, he must've ripped it off her head after all..

I sigh before catching the latch on one of the doors and pulling it open. I jump into the hole into a dirty basement. I cough as I land from all the dust that flew up into my face.

The dust eventually clears, and then I see something that lightens my mood completely. Amy, tied up in a corner, looking right at me. So I know it sounds bad that I'm happy, but what I really mean is that she's ALIVE!

"Oh Amy!" I shout running over to her and hugging her. She shakes her head in shock.

"No Shauna, get out of here. Please, just go!" She whispers pleadingly.

"No I'm saving you! Where's Shannon?" I notice she's not here in the room. I swear if that person is harming her right now its just going to make his death worse.

"She escaped, he nearly caught her. He grabbed her hair but it was one of her extensions and it just came right off when he pulled." She whispers. Why is she whispering? It's just us.

"Did she not try help you?" I ask. I would've helped Amy instead of leaving her here..

"It was before he caught me in the forest, it was like ten minutes before he followed us there."

"Amy who is 'he'?" This could answer everything.

Right before she's able to answer me, she's interrupted.

"I can answer that." The sick voice says smugly. I turn around and realize who the person is... Oh God help me now...

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