Rajveer-: if you dont go I will cut you off from that business

Bua-: And I wont let you step inside this house

Priya and miya-: and we will sneek out of house

everyone -: eshanth please go to date dont worry we will arrange everything and the next day we will do engagement

Eshanth -: fine

End of Flashback

So this is how I end up here they putted lame threats .
I texted her last night about this but she didn't reply I assumed she must have seen it and slept
As I was waiting for her , her mother came and called me inside

As I was waiting for her inside her house from past 15 min her mother and father damn they are irritating all they as is about my money just then I saw bhairavi coming down

But she was coming in very formal dress , did she not see my text

bhairavi -: is today also some press confrence or meeting is there

And I said "did you not see my text last night" she looked at me ,.....shocked and shook her head as no

" I texted you last night that we are going on a date today and tomorrow we are getting engaged "
She apologized alot and her mom shot her death glare and she went inside to change

bhairavi pov-:

As I reached down was there another meeting today I saw him but before I could see him properly I got to know we were going on a date I was soo embarrassed damn he texted me and I didnt see it I quickly apologized and ran to my room and got changed damn I always make a fool of myself infront of others

After getting ready

This is my look

Will he think I have a poor sense of fashion

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Will he think I have a poor sense of fashion....leave it I shouldn't make him wait more and I quickly ran downstairs and finally..........

I got to see him properly.......and damn he looked like a whole meal.....and for real how can someone look cute , handsome and hot at the same time

His outfit

His outfit

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
Jaan - e - JaanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang