Part 32

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The dog is Sirius Black. Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be? That makes complete and utter sense, and there isn't any part of me that wants to curl up and sob and implode all at once. I gawp at him and splutter, "Leila- my name is Leila. I'm not Bellatrix. That is my mother."
"Leila," Sirius says, walking behind the door. He says it like it tastes bad in his mouth and I sit down, next to Ron. His leg is bleeding, and I take my coat of, tightening it round his leg. I hear Hermione's voice and I look over at the door. Harry races in and snaps, "Come on Ron, Leila. Where is the dog-"
"It's a trap," Ron cries, "It's all a trap. He is the dog! He's an Animagus."
We all look over at the door, as it creaks shut, revealing Sirius Black. His hair is wild and Hermione snaps, "If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too."
"Only one will die tonight," he starts. Harry throws himself at Sirius, making them both fall to the ground. Harry manages to get above Sirius, pointing his wand at his throat. I gasp and pull my wand out at Sirius.
"Are you going to kill me Harry?" Sirius laughs. Lupin bursts through the door and I scream as Sirius hugs Lupin. I scream, "STOP! BOTH OF YOU STOP! YOU MONSTER. REMUS I TRUSTED YOU. I TRUSTED YOU. YOU WERE ON HIS SIDE. HIM AND MY MUM RUINED MY LIFE."
"How long have you known, Miss Granger?" Lupin asks. I gasp as Sirius grabs me, holding me back from the group. 
"Since Professor Snape set the essay," Hermione admits. I can't help but start to cry, and Sirius says, "ENOUGH TALKING, REMUS, COME ON LETS KILL HIM."
"Harry," Remus says, "has the right to know why."
"I know why," Harry snaps, "You betrayed my parents. You're the reason they're dead."
Sirius's hand is still gripping firmly on my collar, and I yell, "GET OFF ME!"
Remus hands Sirius his own wand and I scoff, "Remus? Why did you give him your wand?"
Sirius points the wand at me and I freeze. He turns the wand away and Remus says, "Someone did betray your parents, but it wasn't Sirius. It was someone I believed to be dead."
"Who was it?" Harry roars. Sirius yells, "PETER PETTIGREW! And he is in this room! Come out, come out Peter. Come out and play!"
"Are you telling the truth?" I ask in horror. Sirius just nods and I say, "Harry... Harry, I believe them."
"Are you seriously taking their side Leila?" Harry scoffs. I nod and he is about to yell something when Severus walks through the door. Sirius shoves me away, but I walk next to him, and Severus says, "Vengeance is sweet. I told Dumbledore you were helping your friend into the castle, but he didn't believe me. And now, here is the proof."
"Brilliant Snape," Sirius laughs, "As usual you have done half a task and come to the wrong conclusion. We have no excuses, Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend to."
As Sirius and Severus argue, Lupin comes over to me. I pant, regaining my breath from the shove and he mutters, "Do you really believe us?"
I nod desperately and he says, "Get your wand ready then."
"Yes sir," I pant, "And I'm sorry for calling you Remus, rather than Prof-"
"Call me Remus."

I turn to see Harry blast Severus across the room. Severus flings into a beg, which collapses on him, trapping him. I gawp at Harry, who is smiling.
"Tell me about Pettigrew," Harry says, his wand pointing between Remus, Sirius and I. Remus says, "He was at school with us. We thought he was our friend."
"No," Harry snaps, "He is dead."
"Ah, that is what I thought until you said you saw him on the map-" Remus starts.
"The map was wrong?" Harry scoffs. Sirius snaps something about the map never lying or whatnot and I beg, "Harry, please lower your wand. What do these people have to gain from lying about this? If Sirius wanted to kill you, don't you think he would have done it by now?"
Harry pauses for a second as Sirius says, "THAT IS PETER."
I follow where he is pointing and look at Ron. Ron splutters, "I'm not- that's mental!"
"Not you, your rat," Sirius snaps. Ron looks horrified as he yells, "BUT SCABBERS HAS BEEN IN MY FAMILY-"
"Twelve years," I gasp, "Which is a really long time for a rat, Ron. And didn't you say he only had nine toes. All they found of Pettigrew-"
"WAS HIS FINGER!" Sirius is laughing now, but not happily, more terrifying than not, "Then he cut it off so everyone would believe he was dead, and he transformed into a rat."
"Prove it," Harry's voice is barely audible. Ron tries struggling, but Scabbers is snatched out his hands. He manages to run a bit, but is transformed as he tries making it out the door. I gawp at Peter, holding my wand out at him. Peter begs, "You look so much like your mother, Leila. I knew your mother. I never hated her."
"And Harry," Peter says, realising he can't win me over, "You look so much like your father, like James."
"How dare you talk about James in front of him," Sirius snaps. Remus says, "You sold James and Lily out to Voldemort, didn't you?"
"I didn't mean to," he wails, "What would you have done?"
"I WOULD HAVE DIED," Sirius roars. Peter runs to Harry, clinging on and whispering something in his ear. I can't hear what he is saying, but Harry says, "Everyone stop. No. Don't kill him. We can take him to the castle."
"Mercy has me," Peter wails. Harry snaps, "Get off. I said we would take him to the castle. After that, the dementors can have you."

Leila Lestrange- pure problemsWhere stories live. Discover now