She interrupts his thoughts. "I'd do anything to get through to him. It's obvious that he's alone and going through a rough patch. I wish I could find a way to reach out, one that doesn't make him clam up or hurt his pride."

Her eyes are big and moist and so full of feeling, and dammit seeing her all passionate for a good cause and yet all desperate is doing things to him and also reminding him of the Burcu who used to own his heart.

He has no idea what devil is riding him, but reacting on instinct, Kemal gently chucks a finger under her chin. "Don't worry, it'll all be fine, kitten."

Burcu jerks back as if he'd burned her, and only then does he realize what he called her. "Sorry, I..." he stammers, and is silenced by her glare.

She draws herself up to her full - not intimidating - height, hands on her hips. "Don't try to get all personal with me. Just don't. I'm not your kitten anymore, Kemal, let's get that straight."

"I can see that," he hears himself reply before he can shut his stupid snarky mouth. "You're much more of a fierce lioness with claws now, it seems. Feel free to sink them into my jugular anytime."

Making that adorable frustrated sound he gets to hear so often lately, she rolls her eyes at him. "Ugh... shut up."

She turns and stomps off in a huff, and he can't help but call out after her, "Very mature, Burcu hocam."

He can dimly hear her muttering something, and he'd have chuckled because he loves it that he can get under her skin and crack that usually so professional and quiet veneer - but he's feeling riled up and nostalgic again. His traitorous mind travels back to a decade ago when he came up with this nickname.

* * *

10 years ago

Something is weird about Burcu today. Kemal can't quite put his finger on it, but she seems kind of distracted. All throughout class - where she's usually the one glued to the book or the blackboard, listening to their professor attentively and taking notes diligently - she kept sneaking glances down. Down at what though? Surely she's not using her phone to secretly text someone?

For a moment, he sees red. The thought of Burcu even sparing some random guy a second glance, let alone chatting with them, fills him with a jealous rage that's completely new to him. She's his, even if she doesn't quite know it yet.

He hears and feels something snap and stares down in surprise at the pencil he's apparently been holding too tightly. It's broken into two pieces, the jagged end of one nicking his palm so there's a single drop of blood welling. Kemal bares his teeth at it, then carelessly wipes his palm against his jeans. His gaze returns to Burcu, and at that exact moment, she bends her head down again, hunching over in her seat a little. What the hell? And she whispering something? He clenches his fist, hissing softly when that makes the tiny puncture wound ache.

As soon as the class is done, he makes his way toward Burcu. Remembering that they're in public and he can't be too affectionate, he grabs the neat, long braid hanging down her back and tugs on it not too sharply. Her head snaps up and around, those gorgeous green eyes rounding in shock and then narrowing in mock annoyance.

"I told you not to do that, Kemal," she huffs adorably and he can feel some of his dark mood dissipating.

Grinning at her, he tugs at it again but then strokes his fingers furtively down all that soft, fragrant hair and down her back in a whisper of a caress. There it is, that characteristic shiver that does THINGS to him. More of those clouds clear but he's still half angry-jealous and half confused.

"Walk with me?"

She glances around at everyone leaving and gives him a nod. He waits while she packs her stuff. When she turns to him with her bag packed, he notices for the first time that one of her jeans pockets is bulging a little. And as if in an instinctive move, her hand goes to it and pats it. Making sure something that's inside won't fall out? More intrigued than annoyed now, Kemal begins to walk and lets her fall into step beside him. Wordlessly, they make their way to 'their spot' on the campus ground, somewhat secluded.

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