Chapter 40. Akatsuki

Comenzar desde el principio

Quickly flaring his chakra as wildly as he could, it shattered the real genjutsu over him revealing nothing changed except that Kisame was standing next to Itachi with a large smile on his face.

"Kekeke now I see why you decided to cast a multi layer genjutsu" said Kisame walking forward.

"Ok that's not terrifying at all... I'll have to update my tattoo seals" Naruto thought to himself.

"Kisame end this fight quickly, with that amount of chakra released and that explosion its likely that other ninja are coming to investigate" said Itachi.

"Fine.. sorry kid, but I'm gonna make this fast" said Kisame.

Naruto stared at him and pulled out his sword the Shinigamis blade and instantly the area had a slight feeling of dread and death coat the entire training ground.

Samehada immediately began wiggling, not in excitement, but in fear since she could still feel the scars on her body from what that blade did to her all those years ago and the fact that they never healed properly.

"I recognize that blade and so does Samehada.. hehehe I guess the rumors were true and you do truly wield it" said Kisame.

Both of them stared at one another before he seemingly disappeared and appeared infront of Naruto at speeds only high A and above could track.

Naruto only managed to block the blow by sheer instinct, if he didn't then who knows how much damage it would've done to him.

Getting blasted back by the sheer strength, he tried to look up but had to tank another powerful swing that cracked the ground under him like it was nothing. As he blocked it he looked up seeing Kisame smirk as he did a single hand sign.

"Water Style: water shot gun jutsu".

A blast of water shot out of his mouth hitting Naruto dead on sending him back, but he quickly recovered and did a total of five hand signs shocking Kisame and getting a slight eyebrow raise from Itachi.

"Water Style: Water dragon jutsu!!" From thin air a massive water dragon appeared and shot forward at Kisame who grinned at seeing this and quickly cut it in half, but then saw 3 explosive notes.

"Ooh? Smart" he commented as they exploded, sending him further back.

Senses honed in from decades of fighting now, told him to turn which he did and blocked the Shinigamis blade with ease, despite Samehada wriggling in fear and hate.

"Gotta say kid your starting to actually get me excited, but you still ain't strong enough" he said annoying Naruto.

With Itachi his sharingans saw multiple chakra signatures racing towards them so he knew they had to wrap this up, but he still needed to instill fear into Naruto to make him work harder to get strong enough. Since if Kisame was serious, he would've been captured before the fight even started.

"Kisame" he said.

"Ugh fine" Kisame grumbled as he jumped back confusing Naruto before he himself noticed Konoha ninja plus Tsunade and Yugao were racing towards them.

"I have a message for you Naruto-kun" said Itachi.

He turned his head to ask, but as soon as he did he was met with a different pattern of Sharingan and heared a single world spoken.



Naruto opened his eyes to a world that he could only describe as hell. The ground and trees were pitch black while the sky was blood red and he himself seemed to be both gray and black given the shades of his clothes.

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