kitties, and the great adventure

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It's a Saturday, and Rosa is drawing something.
A simple drawing of her and Lizzy, at the park.

"Anything else I need to add?" Wondered Rosa.

She then realized something, and quickly walked to the living room.
Inside a small glass bottle lay a mouse, which Lizzy found on a walk and took home as their family pet.
She took her pencil and started drawing it.
When she was done, she put in big letters at the top of the page "ROSA AND LIZZY + TINY KITTY".

She was so proud and decided to show her big sister her amazingly great work.
She bounced over to Lizzy's room.
Upon swinging open the door, she sees Uzi and Lizzy playing some game. With both muttering "gonna kick your butt..."

Shouted Rosa, which made Uzi and Lizzy whip their heads around to look at her.
"I drew us!" She said, handing her drawing to Lizzy.

Lizzy analyzed it for a few moments, then said "This is a mouse."

"Tiny kitty."
"Tiny kitty."

"You can't call everything that walks a kitty." Groaned Lizzy, much to Rosa's annoyance.
Rosa pulls out her book of animals, and flips to a page of a lion. "Big coat kitty."
"Well, no that's a feli-" Lizzy is cut off by Rosa flipping to a page of a cheetah.
"Fast kitty!" She said, then flipping to a page of a tiger. "Stripey kitty!"
"They look similar because they're all felines." Said Uzi, who was staring at the duo.

"...kitties." Huffed Rosa, who turned around and walked out.

"They're all kitties..." She groaned as she walked back to her room, to name more "kitties" and draw more pictures.

In which Rosa does thingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant